Apologetics to the Glory of God

Category: News

  • Starting Point Online Journal

    Choosing Hats is beginning work on an online journal called Starting Point. The journal will include articles that pertain to the Presuppositional/ Covenantal/Van Tilian variety of apologetics. Our readers are strongly encouraged to contribute toward this project.

    Contributors must be believers in the Gospel of the Lord Jesus Christ and must be members of a local church. Other qualifications will be evaluated on a case-by-case basis.

    Submissions should evidence critical thought on some topic or topics related to P/C/VT apologetics. Articles may be critical of this particular method of apologetics; however the larger purpose of progress or development of …

  • Debate Announcement

    On Februrary 5th, I will be debating Roman Catholic Dan Marcum (a Skype debate) on the proposition “Sola Scriptura is an essential Christian doctrine, and necessary for instruction in faith and practice“. My goal is to argue this proposition presuppositionally. I’m planning on a couple of podcasts in the near future to give the audience some preparation, and to ensure my opponent knows where I’m standing, going into the debate, so stay tuned.…

  • Debate News

    Due to issues encountered with resuming the debate, and an inability to resolve the difficulties posed by the inordinate time taken for the first portion; we’re just going to post the completed portion sometime today. If you haven’t heard, the debate clocked in at an astonishing 8 hours – and we had only reached question 10 in my opponent’s *first* cross-examination period. Since he is unwilling to accept time limitations for the remainder, I think it’s best to just end things here, as he didn’t show up this morning (our time) as invited. If he’d like to submit his remaining …

  • Quick Updates

    The site has been noticeably quieter as the contributors have been busy with various responsibilities elsewhere. The brief updates below may therefore be a bit late to some of the readers.

    The guys over at Reformed Forum are doing an excellent job and I look forward to seeing what interviews and discussions they will have in the future. If you have not checked it out yet make sure to do so.

    Jeff Downs recently pointed AOMin readers to the discussion of Michael Sudduth’s book The Reformed Objection to Natural Theology which aired on Christ the Center.

    Recall a few

  • Sorry for the Clutter!

    To celebrate our second year on the web, we are doing some site upgrades.  We apologize for any oddness over the next few days, but promise we are working diligently (at least during waking hours) on fixing it!


  • Choosing Hats Turns Two!!!

    The end of July/beginning of August marks the two year anniversary of Choosing Hats! We are grateful to God for the good he has brought about through the site and determined to fix anything which has kept us from using the site to its full potential. We want to thank our many readers for taking time out of their day to see what’s new here and those who have left comments for putting forth the effort to understand and interact with the material here.

    Those involved with Choosing Hats have recently been discussing how we might bring the site back …

  • Comment Rules and Guidelines

    We welcome and encourage your comments on the posts at Choosing Hats. Though we may interact with your comments it should not be expected. Below are some rules and guidelines for submitting comments.

    Zero tolerance for profanity.

    Zero tolerance for spam.

    Zero tolerance for trolling.

    Comments should pertain to the topic of their respective posts.

    Comments should remain on topic.

    Keep comments a reasonable length.

    No fundamentalist Atheist preaching.


  • Regretfully…

    Mitch and I have been extremely busy as of late so that we have been prevented from even setting a decent time for debating one another as we had planned to do some time ago. Since I felt like this was unfinished business I approached Mitch about it in private and we discussed several ways we might be able to do the debate despite school and other responsibilities. Mitch has formal education in the same areas as me and took an interest in presuppositional apologetics which resulted in some familiarity with the method and its arguments that most other potential

  • Prayer Request…

    …praying at all times in the Spirit, with all prayer and supplication. To that end keep alert with all perseverance, making supplication for all the saints.

    Ephesians 6:18 (ESV)

    Please be in prayer for Brian Knapp, who founded and is the site administrator for Choosing Hats. On Monday he will undergo surgery. We would appreciate you just taking a brief moment now as you finish reading this to pray that things go well. Thanks!

  • Back to the Blogging

    Thanks to those who expressed concern over me taking a break! It is important to be faithful in every area of life and not just faithful in some areas at the expense of others. There was a great deal of work on my plate and some very minor health related concerns that I needed to take care of and something had to temporarily go.

    Hopefully everyone enjoyed the links that were provided while I was away. Now the break is over and I should be back to blogging. 🙂…