Apologetics to the Glory of God

Racial Equality Happened; Now it is LGBT Equality’s Turn

Not only is that pretentious, but it is inaccurate, as well.

A) We believe race is an incoherent concept, as did abolitionists throughout history. It has no basis, scientific or otherwise; offers no positive contribution, and has resulted in harm to large groups of people. It is dehumanizing, indefinable, and needlessly divisive. This is not said to downplay the effects of racism, which does, of course, exist; but to emphasize that creating categories out of whole cloth results in moral and societal destruction. We are equal because we are all likewise created in the image of God.
B) We believe that the so-called equality being presented as such is not equality, but a fundamental inequality; by redefining humanity, they are demeaning it, and defacing it. Dehumanizing behavior and ideals should not be considered “equal” to those which affirm the true nature of humanity, and propagate it.
C) Comparison to race, racism, and chattel slavery – especially when simultaneously equating all historical forms of slavery with chattel slavery, and all historical views of ethnicity with the current view of race – is rhetorical suicide in any meaningful sense. First, because a Biblical exegesis reveals nothing of race as a concept, or as an ideal. Second, because a Biblical exegesis reveals no positive affirmation of chattel slavery.

Three further points to follow:
First, the credibility of the homosexual lobby is undermined by both their atrocious disregard for the real struggles of so-called “blacks” throughout U.S. history and by their absolute hatred of Christian teaching. Unfortunately for them, the credibility of the civil rights movement and the abolitionists before them are virtually all they have to base their pro-homosexual case on. They are making a “me too!” comparison which does not, in any reasonable way, follow.  Second, what the homosexual lobby is doing to homosexuals is hateful. They are attempting to normalize something that is not normal by equating sexual sin with “race,” promoting a lifestyle that leads to disease and death, and belittling anyone who would dare to question their actions. Third, though they fill the media with assertions regarding race and bigotry, they actually have no basis upon which to condemn racism or bigotry, since they have, by definition, precluded the Word of God as the source of moral standards, in favor of either an individualistic or societal subjectivist ethical system. Christians base their rejection of racism and bigotry on the Word of God, whether that racism and bigotry comes from the homosexual lobby or anyone else; and Christians consistently apply their ethic to homosexuality in calling it what it is: sin. Their opposition to Christian doctrine and their insistence on the redefinition of humanity, on every level, is bigoted. They neither know what they oppose, why they are doing so, nor why they hate it, in any reasoned way. As they are offering only unreasoning opposition, it fits the term “bigotry” with precision.

CH: The Inveterate Incoherency of Race
CH: The Tyranny of Death
CH: Irrationality is not a Response
CH: Love is Love and Other Tautologies
CH: Why the Homosexual Lobbyists are Racist Bigots, and Why You Should Care

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