On yesterday’s Dividing Line (September 11, 2012) a caller (37 minute mark) asks Dr. White some questions about “apologetic frameworks.” You may find the program here – http://www.aomin.org/aoblog/index.php?itemid=5229. As usual I recommend listening to the program in its entirety, but I want to mention two links related to the aforementioned discussion.
The first link is to a post where I tried to squeeze Martin Luther into a presuppositionalist framework. I don’t actually think he fits into that category, but it was worth a shot. You may find the post here – https://choosinghats.org/2010/10/happy-reformation-day-from-choosing-hats-2.
The second is the article I believe Dr. White must have been referring to concerning “TAG” and Islam. You may find that one here – https://choosinghats.org/2010/10/tag-and-islam. Just to be clear, it is my opinion that Dr. White uses a fully consistent presuppositional approach in addressing Islam, and I have recommended his work on the topic a number of times. For example, make sure to check out the program in the link above to hear more about Dr. White’s newest book, What Every Christian Needs to Know About the Qur’an.
There are other presuppositional resources on their way from various apologists interacting with Islam from a number of different angles, but they will not be out for some time. It is undoubtedly an area which still requires a good bit of work, and I am thankful for those who have taken up the challenge of responding to it.
Hope this helps!
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