Tag: muslim
Is Muhammed Prophesied in the Bible? Free Debate
Lutherans, and Muslims, and TAG! Oh My!
On yesterday’s Dividing Line (September 11, 2012) a caller (37 minute mark) asks Dr. White some questions about “apologetic frameworks.” You may find the program here – http://www.aomin.org/aoblog/index.php?itemid=5229. As usual I recommend listening to the program in its entirety, but I want to mention two links related to the aforementioned discussion.
The first link is to a post where I tried to squeeze Martin Luther into a presuppositionalist framework. I don’t actually think he fits into that category, but it was worth a shot. You may find the post here – https://choosinghats.org/2010/10/happy-reformation-day-from-choosing-hats-2.
The second is the article I …
This is a problem. (Updated)
HT: Alan Kurschner
EDIT: For a different account see also – http://www.christandpopculture.com/elsewhere/muslims-stoning-christians-in-michigan-not-quite…
Tawhid vs. Trinity
Tony Costa vs. Habib Ali – June 11, 2009
Also, there is this post: Trinity vs. Tawheed
As well as this debate:
Samuel Green vs. Abdullah Kunde
Islam v Christianity Debate: Tawheed vs Trinity by NahdaProductions…