I asked some other exploratory questions here, previously.
1) Do unbelievers suffer in the Lake of Fire?
2) If so, are they then annihilated by or after this experience?
3) Why are they thus annihilated?
4) What is the significance of salt in Old Testament sacrifices, and what is the relevance to being “salted with fire” in Mark 9:49?
5) Do you believe that the Reformed doctrine of the immortality of man is of Greek origin?
6) What is death, per your position?
7) What sense does “eternal punishment” have when without respect to an object of that punishment?
8 ) Is wrath an attribute of God?
9) Do you believe in the doctrine of Divine Simplicity?
10) If so, is it not true that God’s wrath is infinite?
Again, if time constraints are at issue, I’d rather he spend the time in preparation if there is a choice between the two – however, it might also be valuable for him to see where I’m going to be going. There are many, many issues under consideration from theology proper and the other branches of systematic, obviously, but I’m trying to give a broad scope overview.
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