Category: Worldview
Van Tilian Turf Wars (Part 2)
Presuppositionalists are sticklers for sound apologetic methodology. But how is sound apologetic methodology discerned? Presuppositional proclivities preclude the vast majority of classical or evidentialist approaches to apologetics. That much is clear. But how does one determine who is right and who is wrong when presuppositionalists argue about methodology amongst themselves? Perhaps we all agree that presuppositional apologetic methodology is the way to go, but who is to say what presuppositional apologetic method is? Is there some standard of presuppositional orthodoxy?
Fundamentalist presuppositionalists tend to respond to these questions by citing the Bible as their ultimate authority for apologetics. The …
Why the Homosexual Lobbyists are Racist Bigots (and Why You Should Care)
Please allow me to state what needs to be stated more often in these types of posts. Jesus Christ came into the world to save sinners like me and like you, regardless of our sexual orientation. The depth of our sin is no match for the transforming power of the blood of Christ. Freedom from bondage to sin is found in Him. Do not hope in yourself, but hope in Christ.
Do not hope in homosexuality. Homosexuality cannot free you from your desire or your pain. Homosexuality has no power to satisfy or heal you. Pursuing homosexual desires will lead …