Apologetics to the Glory of God

Category: Worldview

  • Friendly Discussion with a Former Atheist

    Me: So…wait, are you just examining Christianity?

    Former Atheist: Yes, very much so.

    Me: Ah.

    Former Atheist: I’m examining a lot of stuff actually.…

  • Why Should I Believe Christianity? by James N. Anderson

    It goes without saying that I’ll recommend pretty much anything written by James N. Anderson of Reformed Theological Seminary in Charlotte, NC.

    Here’s my summary of his most recent book, Why Should I Believe Christianity?, available to members of Books At a Glance.

    (You may also be interested in the summary of A New Kind of Apologist edited by Sean McDowell.)

    Go ahead, sign up for an account! You know you want to.


  • When Possibility is Impossible: Answering a Rawlsian Ruse with Radical Retortion

    In 1971 John Rawls wrote his famous A Theory of Justice in which he presented what is known as ‘The Original Position.’ The OP is a hypothetical state of affairs in which an individual operates from behind a ‘Veil of Ignorance’ in order to establish principles of justice for society apart from considerations of ethnicity, class, gender, and the like. This thought experiment stems from the radical autonomy present in Immanuel Kant’s work.

    Enough about Rawls. Cornelius Van Til was a Christian apologist who likewise drew from Kant’s work, taking the transcendental method developed by Kant (and many others before …

  • Roundtable Discussion: The Gang’s (mostly) Back Together

    A great time was had – and thanks especially to Ben Woodring, aka Book, for getting the almost whole gang back together. Brian, Chris, myself, Resequitur, and brigand all stopped in, and we talked Covenantal Apologetics. Ben asked us some basic questions, we shared some history, and what our motivations and experiences have been over the years. Looking forward to being around for a long time to come, slow posting or not. Enjoy – I sure did!

  • Oliphint on Evidences – Reformed Forum

    Find it here.

  • Why Village Atheists and News Media Shouldn’t Pretend to be Exegetes

    So, I’m sure you’ve all read aaaaaaaaaaaaaalllllllllllllllll about how horrible Kim Davis is by now, right?  The news media, all your leftist friends, and the like, are telling you so.  Of course, if it were one of their leftist paragons _you_ were talking about – that would be terrible, terrible irrelevancy. In their case, right now, it is okay – because reasons. To be disclosed later, or something. Or at least Salon is telling you so.

    In the land of “I have a liberal arts degree, therefore SCIENCE”, this sort of thing probably makes sense.

  • Refuting The Priests of Molech

    I’m sure many of you reading this have noticed that there are a few recurring themes in the coverage of the Planned Parenthood fiasco.  This post is an attempt to deal with those themes and show you how to respond to them. These are the major categories:

    1) It’s a Hoax
    2) The video was edited
    3) The means were dishonest
    4) Look at all the good we do, and those horrible people over there want to take that away!

    There are major issues with each of these, but we’ll give examples of each, so you can see how they …

  • I’m Neither a Prophet nor Son of a Prophet

    But if my guess is correct, this week’s news cycles will be all about hate speech. Ours. Or what they want to represent as ours. You see, with a Friday ruling, and so much near-instant access to our churches’ sermons, you can almost bet that they will be trolling our sermons for sound bytes. You see, while there will be much trumpeting that Kennedy’s majority opinion states the following:

    Finally, it must be emphasized that religions, and those who adhere to religious doctrines, may continue to advocate with utmost, sincere conviction that, by divine precepts, same-sex marriage should not be

  • Three Ways Apologetics Will Change in the Near Future

    Apologetics change based upon the context in which they are used. In the years to come, apologetics will change in at least three ways:

    1. Necessary Apologetics

    Apologists will be lobbyists rather than hobbyists. The necessity of defending the Christian faith will be impressed upon Christians in a way it has not been in recent years. Look for apologetic arguments to focus more upon defending Christians from unnecessary persecution by the society and the state and less upon abstract theological particulars or classical theism.

    2. Explanatory Apologetics

    As biblical illiteracy and anti-intellectual emotionalism continue to permeate the church and loose …

  • A Conversation About Categories

    There are particular buzzwords in the air these days. Of course, there are buzzwords in the air every day – and always have been. One of the hot-buttons these days is “transgender”. With the media circus surrounding Bruce Jenner, it is in an impossible glare. The media’s feeding frenzies know no bounds, and the level of rhetoric and sheer hyperbole is shocking, even to a jaded student of mass media narrative creation.

    The problem is, the left is in a pickle when it comes to “transgender” – much as it is in a pickle concerning “bisexuals.” With the latter, on …