Tag: morality
Praxis Presup: Episode 19
Chris begins his critique of the counter-apologetics podcast Reasonable Doubts as it addresses presuppositional apologetics.
The counter-apologetics podcast may be found here – http://freethoughtblogs.com/reasonabledoubts/2012/02/09/episode-97-presuppositional-apologetics-part-1
An initial comment on the podcast may be found here – https://choosinghats.org/2012/02/reasonable-doubts-about-presuppositional-apologetics…
Answering Seven Reasons: Christ is Head of (the) Mormon Church?
Continuing the series I started with in my prior post, we’re examining the About.com article “Seven Reasons Why Mormons are Christian”, by Rachel Bruner. In our prior post, recall that we examined 1) The remarks of their elder statesmen on this topic, 2) The distinct tendency on the part of the LDS to “redefine” terms in the Christian lexicon, and 3) The necessity for a transcendental argument to settle the question.
In this installment, we will examine the first reason we are given for believing that Mormons are Christian.
1. Christ is Head of (the) Mormon Church
I’ve …
Atheist Philosopher Michael Ruse Says "Little Value" In Sam Harris Book
…“If God wanted to destroy New Atheism, getting this book written was a good start.”
Praxis Presup: Episode 17
Chris continues his review as the three Pauls of Skepticule Record disagree on the nature of logic and Sye TenBruggencate asks them some questions about it.…
Brian Knapp Interviewed on "Goodness Over God" Podcast
Brian Knapp of Choosing Hats was a guest on the counter-apologetics podcast “Goodness Over God” with Michael Long and Ben Wallis to discuss several topics related to whether or not there is good reason to believe in God. You can find the interview here.…
Miley Cyrus On LGBT
We can all feel enlightened now that Miley Cyrus has expressed her approval of “gay marriage” through her new tattoo and corresponding commentary. Alas I was troubled that I might not know what to think about homosexual marriage, but Miley came through for me and tattooed an “=” sign on her finger explaining, “ALL LOVE is equal.” This likewise is great news, as I expect a rather large check to be coming my way as a result of it. After all, if all love is equal, and Miley loves some people enough for them to reap the benefits of …
What Happened to Paul Manata? and "Free Will, Moral Responsibility, and Reformed Theology: A Contemporary Introduction"
Paul Manata has been silent for nearly a month. Where did he go? Well, now we know. He has been writing a lengthy paper called, “Free Will, Moral Responsibility, and Reformed Theology: A Contemporary Introduction.” Find out more about it and get a copy here.…
closed-minded, dogmatic, fundy Paul Manata engages open-minded, free-thinking, rational atheists