Apologetics to the Glory of God

Category: Doctrine

  • The Imperfection of the Saints

    In an exchange on Facebook recently, I encountered a Sinless Perfectionist of some stripe. Facebook being what it is, the back-and-forth was… unsatisfying. Eventually, I promised to exposit some Scriptures that taught progressive sanctification. It’s taken me longer than I wanted to get around to it (and I was rightly chided for my tardiness) – but I wanted to do justice to the subject when I did so. Hopefully, this treatment will be of benefit.

    Progressive Sanctification is the teaching of the Reformation, and all of the Reformation’s children. That being said, Protestantism in general is a much wider tent. …

  • Religionless Christianity and the Myth of Neutrality

    I will write in generalities here, not because I am afraid to enter the fray, and not because there are not a plethora of examples of the sort of thing I am referring to, but because those who have entered the fray tend to lose sight of the generalities here expressed, and because there are a plethora of examples of the sort of thing I am referring to. There is some fear that the grid I am supplying here may be misused and abused, but I hope rather to clarify those areas where it is being misused and abused through …

  • Psychological Exegesis (Guest Post by cco3)

    Jordan B. Peterson has been gaining popularity, due to his tenacity in social and political arenas.  However, this popularity has spilled into his other pursuits as well. For example, his lecture series on Genesis is recorded on YouTube as having nearly 750k views.  The first in the set of lectures has nearly 2m views, and those numbers don’t even count podcast listeners like me.  That’s quite a show of interest on a topic that otherwise garners little interest from the public. I’ve only listened to the first lecture, so I can’t comment on how Peterson actually goes about handling the …

  • Debate Review: Who Is God? James White Versus Joe Ventilacion (3)

    I was asked to review “Who Is God?”, a debate between James White and Joe Ventilacion that took place on April 21st, 2017 in Rapid City, SD. The review will consist of a lengthy series of shorter posts to capture the significance of each of the arguments used and to make them as clear as possible to the readership.
    Debate Review: Who Is God? James White Versus Joe Ventilacion (1)
    Debate Review: Who Is God? James White Versus Joe Ventilacion (2)

  • Debate Review: Who Is God? James White Versus Joe Ventilacion (2)

    I was asked to review “Who Is God?”, a debate between James White and Joe Ventilacion that took place on April 21st, 2017 in Rapid City, SD. The review will consist of a lengthy series of shorter posts to capture the significance of each of the arguments used and to make them as clear as possible to the readership.

  • Debate Review: Who Is God? James White Versus Joe Ventilacion (1)

    I was asked to review “Who Is God?”, a debate between James White and Joe Ventilacion that took place on April 21st, 2017 in Rapid City, SD. The review will consist of a lengthy series of shorter posts to capture the significance of each of the arguments used and to make them as clear as possible to the readership.

  • De-mythologising the mythology of Joseph Campbell.

    Recently I was directed to a short video of Joseph Campbell giving an interview to give comment and know what my thoughts were. This is the video in question.

    I found there to be a few issues with the kind of philosophy that was being proposed, certainly from that proposed in the video, and other aspects given elsewhere.

    Mr Campbell proposes that the mind is a secondary organ, and that it must not be in control, lest it fall victim to following a particular kind of ‘system’. One could only speculate how he knows this is the case – is …

  • Peripatetic 33 – Hypothetical Inception – Spencer Toy’s conversation, but with a real presupper

    What would this conversation look like with a real presupper? Sorta like this.…

  • Roundtable Discussion: The Gang’s (mostly) Back Together

    A great time was had – and thanks especially to Ben Woodring, aka Book, for getting the almost whole gang back together. Brian, Chris, myself, Resequitur, and brigand all stopped in, and we talked Covenantal Apologetics. Ben asked us some basic questions, we shared some history, and what our motivations and experiences have been over the years. Looking forward to being around for a long time to come, slow posting or not. Enjoy – I sure did!

  • The Mythos of Racial Reconciliation

    An Introduction, and A Few Articles Examined

    • For those who would prefer to read this in .pdf format, a link is provided at the bottom, just prior to the Appendix.

    As the adoptive father of a teenage son who many would consider “black” (as he is the product of a “white” biological mother and a “black” biological father – who we don’t even have a name for) living in the Deep South, it is vitally important for me to a have a developed anthropology, in order to faithfully deal with so-called “racial” issues. This is true not particularly for my …