Apologetics to the Glory of God

Category: BK

  • Grudem’s Systematic Theology on iTunes

    Wayne Grudem’s Systematic Theology is now available on the iTunes store … for free! There are 117 individual lectures spanning creation, providence, the Trinity, miracles, prayer, inerrancy, and more. Click here to be taken to the iTunes store to download this massive podcast.


  • Why I Believe

    I was in an conversation in our chat room the other day with an atheist – one that I thought was a total waste of time, until a friend of mine suggested I review my side of the conversation and encouraged me to post it as a synopsis of why I am a Christian, and what our method of apologetics “looks like” to the outside world.
    The result is the attached PDF. Hopefully it will be of some benefit to you as you think about why it is that you believe, and how to best share that with others.


  • Show Me the Money

    I think it is helpful to come clean every now and then and let our readers knows some of our deep, dark secrets. In this case, the secret is the income that Choosing Hats has generated over the past 3+ years. So without further delay, please look below for a month-by-month income statement for every month that Choosing Hats has been operating.

    7/2008 – $0.00
    8/2008 – $0.00
    9/2008 – $0.00
    10/2008 – $0.00
    11/2008 – $0.00
    12/2008 – $0.00
    1/2009 – $0.00
    2/2009 – $0.00
    3/2009 – $0.00
    4/2009 – $0.00
    5/2009 – $0.00
    6/2009 – $0.00
    7/2009 – …

  • Praxis Presup: Episode 18 – Brian Knapp and Matt Oxley

    Informal debate between our own Brian Knapp and Matt Oxley, of Ragingrev.com; hosted, of course, by Chris Bolt.…

  • Brian Knapp of Choosing Hats to appear with atheist Matt Oxley on Praxis Presup this weekend for informal debate

    Brian Knapp, Founder and Administrator of Choosing Hats and atheist Matt Oxley of RagingRev.com plan to participate in an informal debate consisting of interview, cross-examination, and discussion hosted and moderated by Chris Bolt of the Praxis Presup podcast this weekend. The event will not be live streamed, however the recording of it will be made available on the next episode of Praxis Presup right here on Choosing Hats around the beginning of next week, Lord willing. You won’t want to miss it!…

  • In Antithesis, Vol 1, No. 1 is now here!

    Included in this issue:

    An Introduction, by Chris Bolt
    The Doctrine of God in Reformed Apologetics, by Joshua Whipps
    Problems with Classic Proofs for the Existence of God, by Chris Bolt
    Autonomy is Hard Work: Human Autonomy as a Rejection of Christian Theism, by Ben Woodring
    Exposition of Romans 1:16-2:16 – The Knowledge of God, by Joshua Whipps

    We hope you enjoy reading it, and are both exhorted and encouraged thereby.

    (A big thanks to Brian Knapp for his yeoman’s work in getting this issue out for you all!)…

  • Brian Knapp Interviewed on "Goodness Over God" Podcast

    Brian Knapp of Choosing Hats was a guest on the counter-apologetics podcast “Goodness Over God” with Michael Long and Ben Wallis to discuss several topics related to whether or not there is good reason to believe in God. You can find the interview here.…

  • The Atheist's Burden of Proof

    I was in a discussion today with an atheist, and the subject turned to the idea of burden of proof. It is a common claim that Christians own a burden of proof to prove that God exists, but that atheists do not own any burden at all.  Here’s my response, that outlines the reason I disagree with this:

    Many (and probably most) atheists will say they have nothing to prove at all, because atheism (a-theism) is merely being without a belief in the existence of any gods. Therefore, the only *positive* explicit assertion they are making is about their belief,

  • A Stop On the Way

    Last week a few of us from CH spent some time visiting The Confessional Outhouse, a blog run by one who calls himself RubeRad. Rube asked for input on his assertion that “Christianity is falsifiable”, after appealing to I Cor. 15:14. Some great discussion ensued, and during the course of that discussion a number of tangents were launched, one of which started with the following statement by a contributor named “Michael Mann”:

    In terms of any logical transcendental argument, they could get no further then generic theism i.e, a powerful Creator and Designer is a necessary presupposition of intelligibility

  • Comment Policy Change

    We’ve decided to only allow registered users to post comments, from this point forward. This is more in line with the purpose of the blog – teaching and explanation of the Covenantal/Presuppositional apologetic method. For those wanting to debate; there are many topics listed on the debate page we’d be happy to address; alternatively, you can visit the chat channel.

    All user registrations will need to be approved by the administrators. Valid users will be Christians interested in this apologetic method. As always, the chat channel is open, and the contact form is available for any questions or comments. …