Tag: Islam
Islam: “The Religion of Peace”
Remember to pray for our brothers and sisters in Christ around the world who are persecuted for Him.…
Tawhid vs. Trinity
Tony Costa vs. Habib Ali – June 11, 2009
Also, there is this post: Trinity vs. Tawheed
As well as this debate:
Samuel Green vs. Abdullah Kunde
Islam v Christianity Debate: Tawheed vs Trinity by NahdaProductions… -
Mouw and Mormonism
…The headline says it all, “My Take: This evangelical says Mormonism isn’t a cult.” Richard Mouw, President of Fuller Theological Seminary, continues his campaign to help Mormonism “mainstream” and, in the process, to throw every one of those who have worked so diligently to bring the gospel to the Mormon people under the bus. Mouw’s confusion on Mormonism, rooted not only in his personal theological liberalism, but in his friendships with leading LDS personalities (on the more liberal or left side of the spectrum of Mormonism, to be sure), was put on display years ago when he “apologized” to
Is Fristianity Actual? (Updated with response from David Byron)
UPDATE: David Byron has offered clarification in a comment, but I did not want to risk people missing it. Please see his response now included at the bottom of the body of the post.
One of the greatest worries with the Fristianity objection is that it is often defined in conflicting ways. For example Sean Choi writes, “Of course, Fristianity is not an actual worldview or religion, as is, for example, Islam. But no one – certainly not I – is claiming this.” Yet in a footnote Choi cites David Byron of the Van Til List as popularizing Fristianity. …
Dr. James R. White Begins Work On "What Every Christian Needs to Know about the Qur'an"
Dr. James R. White has “officially” announced that he will be working on two books in 2011. He writes, “What Every Christian Needs to Know about the Qur’an will be my contribution to the effort to educate, motivate, and edify the Body of Christ in the area of Islamic evangelism and apologetics.” Keeping in mind the current popularity of Islam it is my opinion that these books will be some of the most significant contributions to Christian apologetics of this century. Dr. White uses his apologetic both on the street and in public debate with the result that …