Tag: BK
Infallibility and the Church
A few weeks back I started digging into Catholicism pretty deep, due to some discussions I was having. Much of what I have been doing is trying to understand just what the Roman Catholic Church teaches, in order to evaluate it. I have tried to be as “objective” as possible, but as I am presently learning about what the RCC teaches based on talking with others and reading web sites, I realize that it is very possible that I may be fed information that is not consistent with what the RCC actually teaches. In my quest for understanding, I was …
Dear Eldnar
The following comment and response may be found on this post.
…Hi there,
Some would take a leap and state that “this cause is God”, but such a leap is unwarranted.
*GASP* I’ve only heard two people *ever* try to say that the uncaused cause is not God, and you are the second of the two. Here’s what happened to the first person:
There is nothing in the premises of the argument that necessarily leads to the conclusion that the cause of the universe is God.
True. But it points to God “beyond reasonable doubt”. A person can
Thing 1 and Thing 2
Recently I posted a portion of a discussion I had in the Choosing Hats chat room with a (somewhat) regular visitor. This visitor was discussing the Cosmological Argument (well, at least one formulation of it) with me, and I was attempting to demonstrate for them how what they were presenting failed miserably as an argument for the existence of God. This post has generated a few responses – some in the context of comments, some in the context of posts on other sites. For the sake of context, here is a snippet from the conversation where I took the atheist …
Vantillians are Retarded
Consider the following transcript of a very brief discussion I had today with a brilliant atheist. Please note the atheist’s handle has been changed for privacy purposes.
…brilliant_atheist: i accepted the cosmological argument
BKing: why?
brilliant_atheist: but I deny that it points to something alive
BKing: it is a terrible argument
brilliant_atheist: because the universe needs a cause
BKing: why?
brilliant_atheist: because it exists
BKing: so everything that exists requires a cause?
brilliant_atheist: yes
BKing: um
BKing: dude
BKing: ever heard of an infinite regress?
brilliant_atheist: yeah?
Was Van Til A Philosopher?
In response to a recent post on this site, our good friend Mitch from Urban Philosophy made the following comment:
One can grant that Van Til was a philosopher, but they need not grant that he was a competent philosopher. 😉
A few comments later, Pierre-Simon Laplace shared with us his own perspective on Van Til’s Presuppositional approach to apologetics. After sharing this, he then posted a rather interesting follow-up comment (in response to Mitch, as far as I can tell).
“Oh, and Van Til was NOT a Philosopher.”
At first blush, one might see this merely as a knee-jerk …