Choosing Hats
A Common Thread
There seems to be a common thread in presupp encounters all across the web these days. I’ve seen it on Twitter, in chat rooms, in FaceBook discussion groups, and on podcasts. It’s everywhere, and it’s growing, which is what concerns me. That thread is the use of a stunted, limited, incomplete apologetic. It frustrates the unbelievers we use it against, but not for the right reasons. It causes presuppers to be seen as irrational tricksters who don’t have anything valid to bring to the discussion. It is philosophically vacuous and ultimately does not honor God.
Before looking at the problem, …
God is unity.
I have been reading through John Gill’s works on the nature and attributes of God, and am struck with how perfect and united all of God’s attributes are.
Consider a few examples:
God is infinite: God is without bounds, immeasurable, uncontained and without limits. This necessitates two further attributes: Omnipresence and Eternity. Why? Because God is both unbound and without limits in everything, which includes both space and time.
What follows on from here? Well, if we consider that God upholds all things by His power, then that necessitates omnipotence – because God upholds everything, His power must extend to …
Explain The Difference!
Some intellectual mastermind crafted this meme, and circulated around the internet:
Genius, right? It totally shows us that Islam and Christianity are exactly the same!
I think I will take up the challenge, and attempt the impossible. I will try to explain using the same form of communication. And because I’m feeling nice today, I will provide a hint!
One of these glasses is laced with a poison that is undetectable upon simply glancing at it. In fact, you may have to examine the contents of each of them. I know I know, that takes work, study, and you know, …
Please Pray for L.K. Unger (Mennoknight)
I would like to ask our readers to please consider our brother Lyndon Unger in his time of need. Read this post and pray for him as you read. Thank you.
Chris Bolt…