Apologetics to the Glory of God

Choosing Hats

  • A Common Thread

    Needle with  thread on jeans materialThere seems to be a common thread in presupp encounters all across the web these days. I’ve seen it on Twitter, in chat rooms, in FaceBook discussion groups, and on podcasts.  It’s everywhere, and it’s growing, which is what concerns me.  That thread is the use of a stunted, limited, incomplete apologetic.  It frustrates the unbelievers we use it against, but not for the right reasons.  It causes presuppers to be seen as irrational tricksters who don’t have anything valid to bring to the discussion.  It is philosophically vacuous and ultimately does not honor God.

    Before looking at the problem, …

  • True Iglesia Articles

    Chat channel regular cco3 has been hard at work since the launch of his website True Iglesia making short articles to address the various claims made by the Filipino organization known as the Iglesia ni Cristo. Be sure to share them, especially with your Filipino friends.


  • God is unity.

    I have been reading through John Gill’s works on the nature and attributes of God, and am struck with how perfect and united all of God’s attributes are.

    Consider a few examples:

    God is infinite: God is without bounds, immeasurable, uncontained and without limits. This necessitates two further attributes: Omnipresence and Eternity. Why? Because God is both unbound and without limits in everything, which includes both space and time.

    What follows on from here? Well, if we consider that God upholds all things by His power, then that necessitates omnipotence – because God upholds everything, His power must extend to …

  • Wherein Bruce Gerencser Combats The Vast Evangelical Conspiracy

    Well according to Whipps, I am absolutely, totally wrong about, well, e-v-e-r-y-t-h-i-n-g. I will leave it to the readers of this blog to determine the veracity and value of his screed. One thing I have learned is not to get into … wars with people like Whipps. I answered him with two blog posts and only did so because he has commenting shut off on his “teaching” posts. He will tire of me eventually and move on to some other “important” battle. He will certainly think himself vindicated and I am quite happy to allow him to think so.


  • The Haberdashery of Bruce Gerencser

    I have been watching, with interest, the stream of attempted rebuttal flowing from Bruce’s virtual pen today.  We began the day with the assertion that yesterday’s post was a “deconstruction” of Bruce’s story.  I found that odd, myself.  Especially since I am the author of the post, after all.  When you intentionally include such sentences as “See, Bruce doesn’t need to inflate his resume” or, ” I don’t have any concern with rewriting his story”, or even ” What is actually relevant is whether your resume has any bearing on what you actually have to say.”  Now, I understand …

  • When your resume is irrelevant – your testimonial does the trick

    impeccable resumeI got a Google Alert this morning for the term “presuppositionalism.”  Of course, as is usually the case, it was an atheist using the term.  In this case, however, it was actually irrelevant to the entire post, as far as the author, Bruce Gerencser, is concerned. The only reference to it was a wikipedia link.  I’m actually fairly sure he isn’t especially familiar with it, and that itself is unimportant.  What interested me was his resume, and his testimonial.  You see, the author is a pastor, and a former Calvinist pastor, to boot.  Of course, he was a former …

  • Explain The Difference!

    Some intellectual mastermind crafted this meme, and circulated around the internet:

    Explain the Difference

    Genius, right? It totally shows us that Islam and Christianity are exactly the same!

    I think I will take up the challenge, and attempt the impossible. I will try to explain using the same form of communication. And because I’m feeling nice today, I will provide a hint!


    One of these glasses is laced with a poison that is undetectable upon simply glancing at it. In fact, you may have to examine the contents of each of them. I know I know, that takes work, study, and you know, …

  • Please Pray for L.K. Unger (Mennoknight)

    I would like to ask our readers to please consider our brother Lyndon Unger in his time of need. Read this post and pray for him as you read. Thank you.


    Chris Bolt…

  • The Teaching of Christianity as a Challenge to Unbelief

    We have already indicated that the best apologetic defense will invariably be made by him who knows the system of truth of Scripture best. The fight between Christianity and non-Christianity is, in modern times, no piece-meal affair.  It is the life-and-death struggle between two mutually opposed life-and-world views.  The non-Christian attack often comes to us on matters of historical, or other, detail.  It comes to us in the form of objections to certain teachings of Scripture, say, with respect to creation, etc. It may seem to be simply a matter of asking what the facts have been. Back of this …

  • Peripatetic 32 – The Unity of Theology – Laying your Cards on the Table

    So, when we are told to lay out the Christian worldview, and invite our opponent to internally critique it, what is it we present? Here is an example, on the fly.…