Apologetics to the Glory of God

Category: Objections and Misconceptions

  • A Cordial Challenge to Members of Races

    I’m sure the title got your attention. So let’s unpack it. I’d like to challenge you to prove (if only to yourself) not only that your particular race, but that races in general, exist. I ask this, because racism, racists, and racial identity itself depends on there being races to begin with. All of these things presuppose that category, in fact. I reject the category of “races” as a subjectivistic, modernistic, arbitrary construct. There is one race – the human race.

    As I have noted before, the notion of race seems to be inveterate – ingrained into modern western …

  • Oliphint on Evidences – Reformed Forum

    Find it here.

  • Broad Generalizations about Islam

    While Americans, given our generally negative attitude toward Muslims in the wake of 9/11 seek to come to grips with Islam, this deviant religious copy is quite poorly understood by many – even by Christians, who should know better. Further, those who only hear about wars and terrorism involving Islam are often uninterested in fairly dealing (or any dealings) with proponents of Islam who are not, themselves, terrorists.

    Now, of course, the statement above …

  • Why Village Atheists and News Media Shouldn’t Pretend to be Exegetes

    So, I’m sure you’ve all read aaaaaaaaaaaaaalllllllllllllllll about how horrible Kim Davis is by now, right?  The news media, all your leftist friends, and the like, are telling you so.  Of course, if it were one of their leftist paragons _you_ were talking about – that would be terrible, terrible irrelevancy. In their case, right now, it is okay – because reasons. To be disclosed later, or something. Or at least Salon is telling you so.

    In the land of “I have a liberal arts degree, therefore SCIENCE”, this sort of thing probably makes sense.

  • Refuting The Priests of Molech

    I’m sure many of you reading this have noticed that there are a few recurring themes in the coverage of the Planned Parenthood fiasco.  This post is an attempt to deal with those themes and show you how to respond to them. These are the major categories:

    1) It’s a Hoax
    2) The video was edited
    3) The means were dishonest
    4) Look at all the good we do, and those horrible people over there want to take that away!

    There are major issues with each of these, but we’ll give examples of each, so you can see how they …

  • A Carnival of Faulty Planned Parenthood Rebuttals

    So, you’ve probably seen, or at least heard of the Planned Parenthood videos by now, right?  Sure you have.  I’m also sure you’ve seen the storms of controversy flying around them, too.

    It’s a Hoax: By now, I’m sure you’ve seen the absolute avalanche of stories with “hoax” in the title, the lede, or tucked conspicuously into a significant paragraph.  Right?  Watch. Click this.

    Now, your first thought is going to be “Man, EVERYONE is calling it a hoax!”  Why not? A bunch of the big names you read seem to be on that list!  Well, first off, that is …

  • Nothing is Pure

    To the pure, all things are pure; but to those who are defiled and unbelieving, nothing is pure, but both their mind and their conscience are defiled.  They profess to know God, but by their deeds they deny Him, being detestable and disobedient and worthless for any good deed. – Titus 1:15-16

    As I’m sure many of you have been following, Planned Parenthood has been getting lambasted on social media in the aftermath of the sting operation by Center for Medical Progress. This is not to discuss the video in question – although the casual brutality of Deborah Nucatola, …

  • I’m Neither a Prophet nor Son of a Prophet

    But if my guess is correct, this week’s news cycles will be all about hate speech. Ours. Or what they want to represent as ours. You see, with a Friday ruling, and so much near-instant access to our churches’ sermons, you can almost bet that they will be trolling our sermons for sound bytes. You see, while there will be much trumpeting that Kennedy’s majority opinion states the following:

    Finally, it must be emphasized that religions, and those who adhere to religious doctrines, may continue to advocate with utmost, sincere conviction that, by divine precepts, same-sex marriage should not be

  • Do you wear clothes with mixed fabric types?

    This is one of those FAQs asked to Christians who, as the bible teaches, believe that the definition of marriage only allows for a union between one man and one woman.  Christians will have to continually articulate why they believe this, especially in the current climate.

    The question asked assumes a lack of coherency  in Scripture when it comes to how God’s people should live. What’s really being asked is this

    “If both homosexuality and wearing clothes with mixed fabric types in the bible are condemned in the OT, why is one still wrong and not the other.”

    Now, aside …

  • The Tyranny of Death

    Death is a tyrant.

    Only one, however, has ever experienced the entirety of the curse of death. Everyone else will experience it in part, or never cease to experience it. The fullness of that tyranny rests its claws upon only one; He upon whom the wrath of God, and all the terrible and righteous fury that implies, was poured, and who bore it for the sake of His elect. Christ, our Lord and King.

    The first death, the promise of Adam’s curse, attends us all. This is a pittance, a vapor, in comparison to that of the second. It is …