Category: Objections and Misconceptions
I’m Neither a Prophet nor Son of a Prophet
But if my guess is correct, this week’s news cycles will be all about hate speech. Ours. Or what they want to represent as ours. You see, with a Friday ruling, and so much near-instant access to our churches’ sermons, you can almost bet that they will be trolling our sermons for sound bytes. You see, while there will be much trumpeting that Kennedy’s majority opinion states the following:
…Finally, it must be emphasized that religions, and those who adhere to religious doctrines, may continue to advocate with utmost, sincere conviction that, by divine precepts, same-sex marriage should not be
Do you wear clothes with mixed fabric types?
This is one of those FAQs asked to Christians who, as the bible teaches, believe that the definition of marriage only allows for a union between one man and one woman. Christians will have to continually articulate why they believe this, especially in the current climate.
The question asked assumes a lack of coherency in Scripture when it comes to how God’s people should live. What’s really being asked is this
“If both homosexuality and wearing clothes with mixed fabric types in the bible are condemned in the OT, why is one still wrong and not the other.”
Now, aside …