Apologetics to the Glory of God

Category: Attributes of God

  • Propitiation, Wrath and Substitution

    What is propitiation? That was one of the central elements of the Reformation of doctrine, and one of the most problematic issues in the modern Evangelical movement today. It has to do with many, many areas of theology, and we can’t possibly cover them exhaustively in a single blog post. But in a nutshell, what is it? In a nutshell, it is the “turning away of,” “appeasement” or “satisfaction for” the wrath of God due sinners. It is, therefore, intimately bound up to our notion of what the wrath of God actually is. It is bound up with sacrifice, atonement, …

  • Book Recommendation: Charnock, The Existence and Attributes of God

    4. What a folly and boldness is there in sin, since an eternal God is offended thereby! All sin is aggravated by God’s eternity. The blackness of the heathen idolatry was in changing the glory of the incorruptible God (Rom_1:23); erecting resemblances of him contrary to his immortal nature; as if the eternal God, whose life is as unlimited as eternity, were like those creatures whose beings are measured by the short ell of time, which are of a corruptible nature, and daily passing on to corruption; they could not really deprive God of his glory and immortality, but they

  • The Second Paragraph of The Fire That Consumes

    “In the public square, fire and brimstone are definitely out of vogue. Hell shows up in conversation often enough, but generally as an expletive rather than as a serious subject. Hell is not unique in this regard – the same can be said of Jesus Christ. More troubling than hell’s absence from secular society is its general disappearance from many Christian pulpits. Interestingly, although nearly all evangelical pastors and teachers firmly believe that Jesus will ‘come to judge the living and the dead,’ a considerable number of them cannot remember when they last preached or taught on the subject. Might

  • Tawhid vs. Trinity

    Tony Costa vs. Habib Ali – June 11, 2009

    Also, there is this post: Trinity vs. Tawheed

    As well as this debate:

    Samuel Green vs. Abdullah Kunde

    Islam v Christianity Debate: Tawheed vs Trinity by NahdaProductions

  • God with Us: Divine Condescension and the Attributes of God

    Dr. Scott Oliphint, the professor of apologetics and systematic theology at Westminster Seminary, Philadelphia, has come out with a new work on Theology Proper. I have benefited greatly from him in Reasons for Faith, and his lectures on the Doctrine of God on iTunesU (as quickly paced as they were). I am looking forward to finally sitting down, and reading through his approach to Theology Proper, primarily focusing on The Son of God “as both the quintessential revelation of God’s character and the explanation of how he relates to us.” Can’t wait for my copy of  God with Us:

  • Answering Seven Reasons: Christ is Head of (the) Mormon Church?

    Continuing the series I started with in my prior post, we’re examining the About.com article “Seven Reasons Why Mormons are Christian”, by Rachel Bruner. In our prior post, recall that we examined 1) The remarks of their elder statesmen on this topic, 2) The distinct tendency on the part of the LDS to “redefine” terms in the Christian lexicon, and 3) The necessity for a transcendental argument to settle the question.

    In this installment, we will examine the first reason we are given for believing that Mormons are Christian.

    1. Christ is Head of (the) Mormon Church

    I’ve …

  • Why Shouldn’t Paul Baird Choose Hats?

    Paul Baird has given us his opinion in the case of the use of worldviews he does not adhere to.

    This is a common complaint ie why argue a worldview that you do not hold ? The answer is the tallest child in the playground argument ie I do not have to be the tallest child in the playground to point out that you are not the tallest child in the playground – I can point out that individual (in this instance it would be a child of equal size).

    Paul’s understanding here doesn’t really deal with the problem being …

  • Adventures in Missing the Antithesis

    Paul Baird recently addressed what he seems to think is the “philosophy that underpins the Christian Presuppositional Apologetics.” He’s wrong, of course, but let us show him why, shall we? He cites Chris’ citation of an argument tucked away in the appendix of PA:S&D as that supposed “underpinning.” Interestingly, he goes on to ask why “do Presuppositional Apologists not start with this explanation that PA is about establishing the need for a unique self sufficient knower and identifying that self sufficient knower exclusively as the Christian god?” Well, that is readily apparent – because we don’t believe that to be …

  • So, You Think You're a Presuppositionalist?

    There are a significant number of newly “converted” (to presup, at least) folks that are quite zealous for the defense of the faith. This, I consider good. On the other hand, Scripture warns us against “zeal for God, but not in accordance with knowledge”, in Rom 10:2. This is especially important for us to consider. All too often, we have a tendency to “jump right in,” whether we are prepared to do so, or not. Zealousness leads us, with inadequate preparation, all too often to imbalance, and from or along with imbalance, to a sub-Biblical defense. Additionally, there is the …

  • Excellent article from Trueman on Nicene Trinitarianism

    Is Nicene Christianity that important?