Category: Convos, Observations, and Quotes
30,000 Protestant Denominations
The next time a Roman Catholic gives you an astronomical number of Protestant denominations, ask him or her to name them for you.
RC: Presbyterian, Baptist, Pentecostal, 7th Day, Mormon, JW, Lutheran… and 29,983 others! Simple!
Chris: You missed two out of seven of those; how likely is it that you will get the other 29,983 right?
RC: Quaker, Assembly of God, Church of Nazarene, Evangelical.
Oh come now… whether you call those two groups Christian or not doesn’t make them NOT Christian. Their followers call themselves Christians just as you call yourself a Christian….
However… their addition to the …
Canon and Roman Catholicism
RC: I’m still waiting for James White to explain which Canon of Scripture I’m allowed to use when if I take up sola scriptura.
Chris: Canon is a function of Scripture. Those things which I have written are in the canon of my works. Similarly those things which God has breathed out constitute the canon of Scripture.
RC: Chris… what I meant… am I permitted to use the Scripture comprised of 73 books, or the one comprised of only 66 books? Of course both versions are God breathed, inherent, and authoritative.
Obviously this is all hypothetical as I do not… …