Apologetics to the Glory of God

Category: Convos, Observations, and Quotes

  • Peripatetic 3 – Is Covenantal Apologetics Extreme

    I address this common conception, and the underlying issues…

  • Peripatetic 2 – Why are Covenantal Apologists Exclusivistic

    In this podcast, I examine why we have this criticism leveled, and what we should think and say about it.…

  • On Being All Things to All Men

    1 Cor. 9:19-22: For though I am free from all [men], I have made myself a slave to all, so that I may win more. To the Jews I became as a Jew, so that I might win Jews; to those who are under the Law, as under the Law though not being myself under the Law, so that I might win those who are under the Law; to those who are without law, as without law, though not being without the law of God but under the law of Christ, so that I might win those who are without

  • The Same Tired Assertions

    Jeff Downs posted in regard to J. Warner Wallace’s comments in response to a review found on The Gospel Coalition, authored by Gustav Pritchard. He doesn’t supply the link to the review in his post, but it was easily found by a text search. Once I read the response, I went to the “Cold Case Christianity” facebook page and asked a question of Mr. Wallace. First, let’s take his comments in.

    I authored a book, Cold-Case Christianity: A Homicide Detective Investigates the Claims of the Gospels, which takes an evidential approach to Christian Case Making (apologetics). That shouldn’t come

  • De Incarnatione

    “For it is a fact that the more unbelievers pour scorn on Him, so much the more does He make His Godhead evident. The things which they, as men, rule out as impossible, He plainly shows to be possible; that which they deride as unfitting, His goodness makes most fit; and things which these wiseacres laugh at as “human” He by His inherent might declares divine. Thus by what seems His utter poverty and weakness on the cross He overturns the pomp and parade of idols, and quietly and hiddenly wins over the mockers and unbelievers to recognize Him as …

  • Chris Bolt on Backpack Radio Podcast (Updated)

    Chris Bolt’s interview on Backpack Radio is now available via podcast here: http://salem-kpxqam.media.streamtheworld.com/audio/backpack_radio_sun_102095191.mp3

    Check it out.

    Update: The commercial free podcast of this interview may be found here – http://backpack.podbean.com/2012/12/16/epistemology-apologetics-12162012

  • On Balance

    Think about what happens when several people are tugging on some object from different directions – the relative movement of the object, given more or less equal force being exerted from the various directions, will be close to zero.

    Now think about what happens when one person is tugging harder than all the rest – what is the result for the object then? Imagine the object as your set of theological commitments – and the people tugging as various viewpoints that all demand an answer from you. If you, as an apologist, aren’t careful – that over-focus on one particular …

  • Advent

    As it approaches the Christmas season, we’ll hear more and more about how “Christ is the Reason for the Season”, the “War on Christmas” and all that. Whether the so-called “War on Christmas is simply the inevitable result of living in a post-Christian society, or a coordinated effort to “take Christ out of Christmas” is singularly irrelevant, if you ask me. Instead of worrying about whether other people take Christ out of Christmas, shouldn’t we be worrying about putting Him at the center of our remembrance of His advent? We need to be able to clearly elucidate this centrality as …

  • 30,000 Protestant Denominations

    The next time a Roman Catholic gives you an astronomical number of Protestant denominations, ask him or her to name them for you.

    RC: Presbyterian, Baptist, Pentecostal, 7th Day, Mormon, JW, Lutheran… and 29,983 others! Simple!

    Chris: You missed two out of seven of those; how likely is it that you will get the other 29,983 right?

    RC: Quaker, Assembly of God, Church of Nazarene, Evangelical.

    Oh come now… whether you call those two groups Christian or not doesn’t make them NOT Christian. Their followers call themselves Christians just as you call yourself a Christian….

    However… their addition to the …

  • Canon and Roman Catholicism

    RC: I’m still waiting for James White to explain which Canon of Scripture I’m allowed to use when if I take up sola scriptura.

    Chris: Canon is a function of Scripture. Those things which I have written are in the canon of my works. Similarly those things which God has breathed out constitute the canon of Scripture.

    RC: Chris… what I meant… am I permitted to use the Scripture comprised of 73 books, or the one comprised of only 66 books? Of course both versions are God breathed, inherent, and authoritative.

    Obviously this is all hypothetical as I do not… …