Author: Justin
Giving The House Away
Dearest Wormwood,
It has been quite a while since you’ve written me, I have to say it’s always pleasant receiving letters of inquiry about your patient! In fact this time I was quite giddy after reading that you’ve finally accomplished getting him onto the fence! As long as you keep him believing that he’s on The Enemy’s ground when sitting there, it won’t be too much longer before his excitement for the Word of the Enemy is met with questions about whether or not He has really said. As you know, Our Father Below used the same tactics, plunging your …
“How To Speak and Write Postmodern”
Although postmodernism is losing ground in the academic world, it has trickled down to us at the layman and student level, and it seems to be trying to camp there. So instead of scholars debating it, most don’t take it seriously anymore, and for good reason. However, it’s free game to your average college student taking introductory philosophy, soon after the realization that they don’t really believe the faith their parents professed.
That being said, I was linked to a satire by Stephen Katz, who is a Professor of Sociology, at Trent University and thought it would be appropriate. It …
The God of Miscegenation: The Kinistic “woopsie!”
“For you formed my inward parts; you knitted me together in my mother’s womb.” (Psalm 139:13)
According to the Kinist, each race should not “inter-mix” with those of other races.
What about the family who did that, and God was still pleased to bless them with a child of a different skin tone?
If we are to affirm “Kinism” as well as Christian Theism, then the kinist would have to affirm that God is a God of miscegenation. From here the Kinist has a couple of options
1) They can abandon kinism, particularly the kind that entails that miscegenation is …
Baird is the word
A few weeks ago I was answering some of the problems an atheist had with the apologetic method that we adhere to. He was noticing it to be a new “fad”. I only posted a few comments in response to some of the comments there and moved on. Today I was reading through some of my unread comments and I noticed that Paul Baird responded to me responding to the blogger. I found some of the comments interesting so I decided to answer them from here. I will post the comments that Baird responded to me responding to Adam. …
Doctrine of God lectures 2012 from WTS
Westminster theological seminary has just released Dr. Scott Oliphint’s Doctrine of God lectures from this past semester. So check them out here!…
Judges Judging Judgers
“I’m so tired of Christians judging other Christians for practicing homosexuality, just let them do what they want”, says Lucy, a professing Christian, who jut heard some of her other Christian friends talking about homosexuality in a negative overtone. Describing it as an “abomination” (Lev 18:22), “degrading” (Rom 1:26) and “indecent” (Rom 1:27). “I hate when they speak about it like that!” whispers Lucy to another friend standing by. Perhaps Lucy should remove the log out of her own eye before complaining about the speck from her friends’ eye.…
God with Us: Divine Condescension and the Attributes of God
Dr. Scott Oliphint, the professor of apologetics and systematic theology at Westminster Seminary, Philadelphia, has come out with a new work on Theology Proper. I have benefited greatly from him in Reasons for Faith, and his lectures on the Doctrine of God on iTunesU (as quickly paced as they were). I am looking forward to finally sitting down, and reading through his approach to Theology Proper, primarily focusing on The Son of God “as both the quintessential revelation of God’s character and the explanation of how he relates to us.” Can’t wait for my copy of God with Us: …
Rhology on the Fundamentally Flawed podcast
It was just brought to my attention that Rhology, a contributor at Triablogue, was interviewed on the Fundamentally Flawed podcast. This can be listened to here for the edited version, and it can be downloaded here, uncut. I am told that the language gets rather rough at the end, so listen at your own risk.…
The Sixth Sense
Many, if not all, of us have heard at some point in our lives that there are five senses. The senses are sight, taste, smell, hearing, and touch. Scripture, on the other hand, teaches that all men (whether they lack any of the above senses) have a sixth sense. It’s what Calvin called the “Sensus Divinitatis” or the “Sense of Divinity”. In the third chapter of Book 1 of the Institutes, Calvin writes the following:
…That there exists in the human minds and indeed by natural instinct, some sense of Deity, we hold to be beyond dispute, since God himself,