I posted about the NEXT 2011 conference a while back and noted that they were covering what seemed to be a basis for presuppositional apologetics. The lectures are available for download now and they will not disappoint. Jeff Purswell starts out the conference with covering the creator/creature distinction which he did very well and much in line with what Van Til espoused. Dr. Scott Oliphint had an enlightening lecture as well especially regarding the knowledge of God in the unbeliever, and D.A. Carson exegeted Acts 17 faithfully and clearly. R.C. Sproul, while a great Theologian, had some interesting things to say didn’t seem to fit in to the overall feel of the conference as the method explained by Oliphint, Purswell, and Carson are at odds with R. C. Sproul’s evidentialist proclivity. I have not been able to listen to Kevin DeYoung’s lecture at this time but I have learned and gained from him in the past at least Theologically.
There were some great quotes from the conference but one that I think is very key to the whole idea of Biblical apologetics was a quote from D. A. Carson where he said in so many words that Apologetics must start with the whole counsel of God. I believe that is a Biblical analysis of a Biblical apologetic. Dr. Van Til said much the same. My friend RazorsKiss has also noted how Theology drives Apologetic here.
It is my hope that the lectures by Purswell, Oliphint, and Carson will drive those who attended, and those that listen to them later, to dig deep into God’s word and strive for a Biblical apologetic that is submissive to the Authority of God’s Word in all of life.
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