Apologetics to the Glory of God

Tag: knowledge of God

  • Next 2011 Lectures Available

    I posted about the NEXT 2011 conference a while back and noted that they were covering what seemed to be a basis for presuppositional apologetics. The lectures are available for download now and they will not disappoint. Jeff Purswell starts out the conference with covering the creator/creature distinction which he did very well and much in line with what Van Til espoused. Dr. Scott Oliphint had an enlightening lecture as well especially regarding the knowledge of God in the unbeliever, and D.A. Carson exegeted Acts 17 faithfully and clearly. R.C. Sproul, while a great Theologian, had some interesting things to …

  • Calvin on Creation

    “It did not, however, happen from inconsideration or by accident, that the light preceded the sun and the moon. To nothing are we more prone than to tie down the power of God to those instruments the agency of which he employs. The sun an moon supply us with light: And, according to our notions we so include this power to give light in them, that if they were taken away from the world, it would seem impossible for any light to remain. Therefore the Lord, by the very order of the creation, bears witness that he holds in his …