John Starke over at The Gospel Coalition takes a quick look at the affect Dr. Cornelius Van Til has had since his work at Westminster Theological Seminary.
John Starke notes:
Van Til transformed the discussions around epistemology and apologetics unlike anyone else in modern Christian history—being the main influence behind theologians, pastors, and apologists like John Frame, Tim Keller, David Powlison, Greg Bahnsen and the entire systematic and apologetics departments of Westminster Theological Seminary in Philadelphia and California, headed by names like Michael Horton, Scott Oliphint, William Edgar, and David VanDrunen.
Even Dr. Albert Mohler of SBTS has spoken of the influence Dr. Van Til has had in his understanding of epistemology and apologetics.
I would like to take this chance to highlight the Choosing Hats Reading Plan. The books recommended by Starke in his post are important and part of the list but it can be quite helpful to come to Van Til’s writing with an introductory foundation in the terminology he uses and with some exposure to his method prior to reading Van Til. On a side note this method of reading Van Til has made it much less boring by making it is much easier to see how everything fits together as a big systematic pie.
Read the TGC post here:
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