Apologetics to the Glory of God

Debate: Covenantal Apologetics is the only Biblical apologetic methodology

Date: March 25th
Time: 2pm EST (Watch for updates)
Location: IRC, #chdebate channel – fuller detail will be given the day of the debate.

I’ll be debating Scotty Bowers, aka “Ransom” on this topic. I will, of course, be taking the affirmative in this debate. Anyone is invited to attend the debate.



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4 responses to “Debate: Covenantal Apologetics is the only Biblical apologetic methodology”

  1. Robert Avatar

    Will you be putting it on the podcast?

    1. RazorsKiss Avatar

      It’s going to be a text debate, Robert, so probably not 🙂

      1. Robert Avatar

        Sorry. Didn’t notice that detail. Silly me.

        1. RazorsKiss Avatar

          It’s okay, happens to the best of us 🙂

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