Apologetics to the Glory of God

New Covenant Theology

I don’t think I’ve ever posted on this subject before – primarily because the majority of the support for this is internet-based, and non-systematized. Since the subject has come up on the facebook page, however, I decided to include this in order to address the topic, as we are on the subject of covenant, and as some brothers have said, the terminology itself gives the impression of taking the ‘high ground”, as it were. It may also be helpful for those who haven’t studied the topic at all before. It’s an introduction, and done a good while ago. On the other hand, most of the material remains a problem within the movement in general.

I will note, however, that one of my “distinctive” arguments is that the knowledge of God is intrinsically moral in character, inseparable from the intellectual aspects of knowledge – so I have a particular interest in the specific doctrines that NCT denies.


3 responses to “New Covenant Theology”

  1. Greg (Tiribulus) Avatar
    Greg (Tiribulus)

    I will note, however, that one of my “distinctive” arguments is that the knowledge of God is intrinsically moral in character, inseparable from the intellectual aspects of knowledge – so I have a particular interest in the specific doctrines that NCT denies.

    Ohhhhh AMEN my dear brother. This is one of THE pillars of biblical anthropology/hamartiology. Indeed, the knowledge of ANYTHING is ultimately moral in character and IS knowledge of God. This, I hasten to add IS NOT to be construed as latent pantheism as if everything REVEALING God is the same as everything BEING God. This is what Romans 1 is all about. There cannot be one particle of the universe that stands in no, or even neutral relation to God. Everything from the Andromeda galaxy to a single atom waits to “be set free from its slavery to corruption into the freedom of the glory of the children of God. For we know that the whole creation groans and suffers the pains of childbirth together until now.
    The creation itself is languishing in Adam, including his children. The elect are born again into Christ by grace through faith. Both are covenant relationships. The only kind there is.

    I’m gonna check out some stuff from Renihan including this. You have posted several in a row. One reformed Baptist I REALLY love is a guy from Chilliwack BC Canada. Jim Butler. http://www.sermonaudio.com/search.asp?speakeronly=true&currsection=sermonsspeaker&keyword=Jim_Butler
    Not an apologist as such, but one great Pastor/Teacher

  2. Greg (Tiribulus) Avatar
    Greg (Tiribulus)

    I couldn’t find another way to contact you so I’m doing it here. I shared this http://razorskiss.net/2011/10/so-you-think-youre-a-presuppositionalist/ article on my FB page with the following words: “This is one of the greatest (and convicting) short pieces I’ve ever read in my life though I’ve been a “presupper” for 25 years. Very well said indeed sir. “
    Come to find out that you are 15 years my junior too. God bless you Joshua. You humble this soon to be old man’s heart. I sometimes have the gentleness and reverence with opponents of a thermonuclear warhead.

    1. RazorsKiss Avatar

      Thanks for the kind words. My goal is to be helpful, and that encourages me.

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