Apologetics to the Glory of God

Tag: presup

  • New Vern Poythress Book on Inerrancy

    Inerrancy and Worldview: Answering Modern Challenges to the Bible by Vern Poythress is available here and online for free here.

    You can listen/watch a discussion featuring Dr. Poythress on his new book here.…

  • The Recent Rise of Covenantal Apologetics (5 of 10)

    “Theology matters and theology determines apologetic methodology.” – Dr. James R. White

    The entire program of presuppositional apologetics can be summed up in the “need for consistency” challenge constantly set forth by Dr. James R. White of Alpha and Omega Ministries. If one ever wonders where the present day Greg Bahnsen of apologetics is one need look no further than Dr. White. Such a statement might ruffle some feathers, but having followed Dr. White’s ministry for a few years now I believe the statement is substantiated by the ministry delivered to Dr. White by the grace of God.

    From C.L. …

  • The “Self-Attestation” of Scripture (Part 2)

    In Part 1 the so-called “self-attestation” of Scripture was examined. The conclusion? The claim that Scripture is self-attesting is not nearly as controversial as people initially make it out to be. The claim taken on its own says little more than that Scripture makes some claims concerning itself. Examples are 2 Timothy 3.16 and John 17.17.

    So far, so good. But there is much more to be said.

    It is significant that Scripture makes claims concerning itself. Such claims are usually about the truthfulness and authority of Scripture. In short, the text of Scripture claims that it is the Word …

  • Nature and Scripture on Reformed Forum


  • James Anderson is writing again…

    Gotta keep an eye on that guy.

    Anderson’s review of Dolezal’s God WithoutParts http://thegospelcoalition.org/themelios/review/god_without_parts_divine_simplicity_and_the_metaphysics_of_gods_absolu

    More on God and propositions – http://www.proginosko.com/2012/07/god-and-propositions-the-saga-continues

  • A Friendly Chat With An Atheist

    Chris:  Are you a believer?

    Atheist:  nope

    an atheist

    Chris:  Ah.

    Well it’s nice to have one of those around every now and then.

    We have to get Christians from somewhere after all. 😀

    So I presume you have heard the Christian Gospel?

    Atheist:  yup

    Go to mass… et cetera 😉

    Chris:  I’m guessing that you’re joking. 🙂

    Atheist:  I am

    Chris:  So why are you an atheist?

    Atheist:  I don’t think that any spirits exist

    be they gods, ghosts or anything else

    Chris:  That’s the definition of your position then.

    Why do you hold it?

    Atheist:  I don’t see …

  • The Recent Rise of Covenantal Apologetics (4 of 10)

    Happy Birthday Choosing Hats!

    If I am going to post anything resembling an attempt to “toot my own horn” I might as well get it done early so that people will forget about it by the time I write on more significant contributing factors to the recent rise of covenantal apologetics.

    Choosing Hats was founded by Brian Knapp and Chris Bolt in July of 2008 in an effort to promote Van Tilian presuppositional apologetics at an introductory level and free of charge on the Internet. Choosing Hats is four years old today, and the next issue of the In Antithesis

  • The Recent Rise of Covenantal Apologetics (3 of 10)

    Covenantal apologetics have virtually no place in the academy.

    It’s not that they shouldn’t have a place in the academy. It’s just that they don’t.

    But why would we expect anything different? Covenantal apologetics are firmly grounded in the Christian worldview and are used to cast down every thought exemplifying its antithesis. It is not merely that non-Christians will misunderstand or reject covenantal apologetics in an intellectual sense, but rather that they will not even like them. So we should not expect to see covenantal apologetics pulling up a chair next to Naturalistic Atheism or Thomistic Christianity in the …

  • Steve Hays Responds: Wintery Knight On Van Til


  • Answering the Evidentialist Objection


    Oversimplification. The unbeliever, and the New Atheist in particular, thrive on it. The situation is no different when it comes to the strong demands for “evidence” in the context of apologetic debate. “Not enough evidence, God, not enough evidence” was the plea Bertrand Russell planned to use when he came face to face with God. I suspect it did not go over well.

    Yet the loudest non-Christian voices among us continue to parrot Russell’s silly sentiment. It has even been given a name. The “evidentialist objection.” It is quite frequently captured in the contention that Christians should immediately provide …