Tag: method
Some of Nocterro’s Presuppositions
Someone commenting on the site by the name Nocterro recently posted the following:
…I just have one final point to make regarding presuppositions.
Presuppose: To believe or suppose in advance. (American Heritage Dictionary, 4th edition).
You said earlier in this discussion: “You presuppose autonomy in that you reject the Lordship of Christ and the interpretation of the resurrection provided by Scripture which states that it was a supernatural event and assume that a naturalistic interpretation is possible for any given evidence.”
This is wrong. In fact, you could say that I started with similar presuppositions to the ones that you
Bravo Nocterro
Kudos to Nocterro (who sometimes comments here) for writing a pretty clear explanation of what presuppositionalists have been saying for some time now.
…Showing that the Bible is correct in its historical claims does not show it is correct in its theological claims…
Imagine for the sake of argument that someone showed that Jesus did indeed resurrect…All it would show is that a man resurrected, not that Yahweh exists and that such a being was the cause of such an event. It could have been that it was the doing of some other sort of god, or even something else
Lost In A Sea Of Subjectivism
Mitch LeBlanc has posted the draft for his journal submission on The Transcendental Argument for the Existence of God. In the Abstract for the article, he writes, “I present a couple of objections formulated by Sean Choi and Michael Martin and develop three of my own”. It has been pointed out already that whatever Mitch is arguing against, it is not Bahnsen’s TAG. Given that even I, though not very well read on TAG, had encountered the objections from Choi and Martin no later than 2007 and given the recent interaction found here and here with some of the …