Apologetics to the Glory of God

Tag: gospel

  • Positive Covenantal Apologetics

    A popular objection to the covenantal apologetic is the claim that it  lacks positive arguments or otherwise falls short of providing a positive apologetic. There are at least three responses to this criticism.

    1. The distinction between a negative and positive apologetic and how the distinction is made is largely attached to apologetic method. Assuming definitions and a distinction that covenantal apologetics by their very nature do not share and then raising an objection to covenantal apologetics based upon the unshared categories of an alternative method is roughly equivalent to critiquing covenantal apologetics because they are covenantal apologetics and not …

  • Debate Announcement

    On Februrary 5th, I will be debating Roman Catholic Dan Marcum (a Skype debate) on the proposition “Sola Scriptura is an essential Christian doctrine, and necessary for instruction in faith and practice“. My goal is to argue this proposition presuppositionally. I’m planning on a couple of podcasts in the near future to give the audience some preparation, and to ensure my opponent knows where I’m standing, going into the debate, so stay tuned.…

  • A Thanksgiving Psalm

    For the choir director; on Muth-labben. A Psalm of David. I will give thanks to the LORD with all my heart; I will tell of all Your wonders. I will be glad and exult in You; I will sing praise to Your name, O Most High. When my enemies turn back, They stumble and perish before You. For You have maintained my just cause; You have sat on the throne judging righteously. You have rebuked the nations, You have destroyed the wicked; You have blotted out their name forever and ever. The enemy has come to an end in perpetual …

  • If There Were No God

    From Acapella

    If there were no God there would be no music
    There would be no dream to be dreaming of
    What a dreadful thought of an empty future
    If there were no God there would be no love

    If there were no God there would be no children
    There would be no joy to relieve our tears
    Not a tender hand to provide us comfort
    No consoling heart to subdue our fears

    But we know that God is with us
    And we know His majesty
    Reigning now, the King eternal
    Yes we know the victory

    If there were …

  • Is the Qur'an the Word of God? – Debate Transcript

    Debate Thesis: Is the Qur’an the Word of God?


    [12:07] [BK] ok, the floor is yours, Algo
    [12:07] [PL] Very Good.
    [12:07] [PL] Welcome Gentlemen.
    [12:08] [PL] Let us now begin our formal debate with an intro/bio.
    [12:08] [PL] Introducing MusLm :
    [12:08] [PL] Name: Yasser Ali
    [12:08] [PL] Nick: MusLm
    [12:08] [PL] Age: 34
    [12:09] [PL] Country: Pakistan
    [12:09] [PL] Education: Post-Graduate of Information Technology (Australia)
    [12:09] [PL] Occupation / Designation: Da’ee (Da’ee is a Muslim who invites people towards God / Islam)
    [12:09] [PL] Faith: Muslim based on Quran (100%) and Hadith (Authentic)
    [12:09] [PL] I have …

  • Debate News

    Due to issues encountered with resuming the debate, and an inability to resolve the difficulties posed by the inordinate time taken for the first portion; we’re just going to post the completed portion sometime today. If you haven’t heard, the debate clocked in at an astonishing 8 hours – and we had only reached question 10 in my opponent’s *first* cross-examination period. Since he is unwilling to accept time limitations for the remainder, I think it’s best to just end things here, as he didn’t show up this morning (our time) as invited. If he’d like to submit his remaining …

  • In Preparation for Next Weekend's Debate: Islam's Problem

    Courtesy of David Wood, ABN, and AOMin, this video covers most of my points I’m going to bring up. I’m posting it in hope that my opponent will come prepared for the issues I’m going to be raising!

    Note: Just something to keep in mind, I obviously won’t appeal to “brute facts” as David does here – but the information is valuable, nonetheless.…

  • Praxis Presup: Episode 3

    Praxis Presup
    Episode 3 – August 28, 2010
    Chris Bolt

    Chris Bolt discusses the new site, the Gospel, and makes a few comments on the recent debate between Ben Wallis and Chris Bolt on the existence of God.

    Praxis Presup 3

  • Muhammad in the New Testament?

    James White and Sam Shamoun discuss whether Muhammad is seen in the New Testament, as many Muslims assert. You can watch here. Also includes a run-down of Dr. White’s recent debate with Sheik Awal.…

  • Trinity vs Tawheed

    James White and Sam Shamoun discuss the distinctions between Trinity and Tawheed, and the apologetic implications of those distinctions.

    You can watch it here.…