Tag: ethics
Judges Judging Judgers
“I’m so tired of Christians judging other Christians for practicing homosexuality, just let them do what they want”, says Lucy, a professing Christian, who jut heard some of her other Christian friends talking about homosexuality in a negative overtone. Describing it as an “abomination” (Lev 18:22), “degrading” (Rom 1:26) and “indecent” (Rom 1:27). “I hate when they speak about it like that!” whispers Lucy to another friend standing by. Perhaps Lucy should remove the log out of her own eye before complaining about the speck from her friends’ eye.…
The Argument from Atheistic Activism: “The Achilles’ Heel of Internet Atheism?” Revisited
In a recent post here – https://choosinghats.org/2012/02/the-achilles-heel-of-internet-atheism – I made the following observation:
…It takes somebody really, really … special … to spend hours upon hours blogging, podcasting, and commenting about an imaginary concept of deity with no more intellectual credibility than Santa Claus or the Easter Bunny. And yet there are people who do exactly that day after day! Think of all those grown men sitting at their computers wasting their time lashing out at people for believing in God when they could be partying it up before the worms eat them.
Are we really supposed to