Tag: Covenantal Apologetics
A Response to Jeremiah Bannister (paleocrat)
I will be responding to this post – http://jeremiahbannister.com/?p=154 – which is written in response to my post here – https://choosinghats.org/2012/11/canon-and-roman-catholicism.
Justin Scheiber of Reasonable Doubts recently linked to one of my posts on the canon of Scripture. I do not really have a way of following Justin, although I did notice an announcement that he is available for speaking engagements and debates. Perhaps one day he will debate me, but I am not holding my breath. In any event, Justin linked to me, and Jeremiah Bannister followed that link. Bannister is better known as “paleocrat.”
Some of you …
Evil as an Illusion
To the average Westerner, the religious texts and teachings of the East often read like drug induced nonsense. At the same time, Eastern religions contain some insight in virtue of their very different approach to familiar topics.
Take, for example, the problem of evil. As far as most atheists are concerned, this is the best weapon available against theism, and especially Christian theism. Of course, the problem of evil fails as an objection to the Christian faith due to the unbeliever’s inability to fashion an argument against the premise that ‘God has a morally sufficient reason for the evil He …
“The dying dreamer”
John MacArthur is a Fool
The title of this video mentions homosexuality, but I would encourage you to focus in on what the commentator at the beginning and end of the series of clips has to say. John MacArthur constantly turns the conversation back to the Gospel and authority of Scripture over against the uninformed opinions of the men with which he is in disagreement. Successful media appearances are certainly not as easy as they may look since they rest upon the ability to make succinct yet powerful arguments and responses in sound bite form.
Note the simplicity and authority with which MacArthur …
Popularity of Presuppositionalism Continues to Grow
…and it’s virtually impossible to keep up with all of the new material coming out! It’s a good problem to have. Also, it did not used to be this way.
I recommend sites like this one – http://veritasdomain.wordpress.com – to keep track of what is going on.
There are many other sites to watch as well, however I have too difficult a time following them all to list them here right now!…
A Biblical Foundation
Thomists are always trying to add rooms onto houses with bad foundations. Some foundations are cracked. Others are too small.
As an example, think of the popular idea that people should only hold beliefs that are based upon empirical evidence. (Empirical evidence is evidence we access through the five senses.) This is a foundational idea for many unbelievers. Yet this idea is not itself based upon empirical evidence. So the idea – which we might also call a belief – is inconsistent with itself. The foundation is cracked.
Moreover, there are many aspects of science and common sense that likewise …
It’s Circular Because It’s Consistent
I just wrote a piece arguing that presuppositionalism is not circular. For the sake of clarity, I will now argue that it is.
“Virtuous Circularity”
There is, of course, a sense in which presuppositionalism is circular. But upon hearing the term “circular” most opponents of the Christian faith, and even many of those who are counted among its friends, immediately start off into lengthy diatribes describing their disgust with Christians and methodologies that rely upon logically fallacious argumentation.
The Logic of Logic
Now the charge of logically fallacious argumentation, it seems to me, rests in some way upon logic. …
It’s Circular Because It’s Circular
The charge that presuppositionalism is “circular” must be one of the dumbest objections I have ever heard.
No really. Think about it for just a moment.
You hear the accusation again and again that presuppositional apologetics are “circular.” The implication is that the charge of circularity in view here constitutes an objection against presuppositional apologetics. A fatal objection, even. So a logical point is being made. A fallacy is in view.
Presuppositional Apologetics Can’t Be Circular
But it should be noted right away that “presuppositional apologetics” can never be circular. Neither the label “presuppositional apologetics” nor the discipline the label …
“Does the Triune God of Scripture Exist?” (Chris Bolt vs. Matt Oxley) Debate Audio (MP3 Format) Now Available!
Download it here or click below to stream!
The Benchwarmer Apologist
When I was young I played basketball. I was not very good. But my team always was. We were undefeated every year I played, until my teammates finally left the league to play for the high school team. About halfway through one of our seasons we were scheduled to play another really good team. We were undefeated. So were they. Their star player was the son of a well-known college basketball coach. You would probably recognize his name, but it is not important.
My coach that year, perhaps thinking I had finally perfected the art of warming the bench, thought …