Apologetics to the Glory of God

Tag: annihilationism

  • Jude 7 and 2 Peter 2:6

    It is often asserted by annihilationists that the “example” of Sodom and Gomorrah, as seen in Jude and 2 Peter 2 are support for their position. This cannot possibly be the case, for a variety of reasons. Consider; if something is symbolic of, or is representative of something else – especially something eternal, as the fire is here – of what nature is the symbol in comparison to the actuality? Is it greater than, equal to, or lesser than? Biblically, all symbols of God’s acts and/or nature are necessarily lesser than the fulfillment, or that which is exemplified. The prefigure …

  • Exploratory Questions For Chris Date #2

    I asked some other exploratory questions here, previously.

    1) Do unbelievers suffer in the Lake of Fire?
    2) If so, are they then annihilated by or after this experience?
    3) Why are they thus annihilated?
    4) What is the significance of salt in Old Testament sacrifices, and what is the relevance to being “salted with fire” in Mark 9:49?
    5) Do you believe that the Reformed doctrine of the immortality of man is of Greek origin?
    6) What is death, per your position?
    7) What sense does “eternal punishment” have when without respect to an object of that punishment?…

  • Exploratory Questions for Chris Date

    1) Do you believe that the inhabitants of Sodom and Gomorrah were annihilated by God in Genesis 19?
    2) Do you believe that those who die the first death are annihilated?
    3) Do you continue to believe that there is no explanation/expansion of Old Testament texts by those who quote them in the New Testament?

    “I’m completely open to the possibility that New Testament authors, and the Lord himself, expanded upon Old Testament imagery; show me where they do that? They don’t, they just quote it. In Mark 9:48, Jesus simply quotes Isaiah’s language. What indication is there that the

  • Fudge and Date: On how to view challenges to orthodoxy

    Date: “When you originally published your book, how was it received? Did you find that traditionalists were giving maybe some serious consideration to your work, and maybe reconsidering their own view, or did they consider you a threat and try to stamp out any influence you might have?”

    Fudge: “Interestingly, I’ve learned over the past 67 years, Chris, that the reactions I get to this subject, and to this book, are not really so much reactions to this book, as much as they are reactions out of the heart of the person who makes the reaction. And the same reaction

  • Debate Update

    Chris Date and I have agreed that the debate will be held on June 16, 11:30 AM PST.

    That’s it šŸ™‚…

  • Annihilationism: Universalism and The Reality of Eternal Punishment: The Biblical Basis of the Doctrine of Eternal Punishment by Sinclair Ferguson


    Now you see the point that is being made: if you believe in the immortality of the soul, then itā€™s necessary for you to do something in your theology with that immortal soul that rejects God.

    In contrast, it is claimed, the New Testamentā€™s teaching is different. We are to fear him who is able to ā€œdestroyā€ body and soul in hell, and this is what he will do. And itā€™s vital that we have a biblical response to that.

    And it seems to me that the biblical response to that is this: that the immortality of manā€”which of

  • Annihilationism: į¼€Ļ€į½¹Ī»Ī»Ļ…Ī¼Ī¹ word study by Anthony A. Hoekema

    (1)Ā Ā Ā  Sometimes apollumi Ā simply means to be lost. It is so used in the three ā€œlostā€ parables in Luke 15, to designate the lost sheep, the lost coin, and the lost son. In the case of the sin, his being lost meant that he was lost to the fellowship of his father since he went against his fatherā€™s purpose.

    (2)Ā Ā Ā  The word apollumi may be applied in a somewhat related way to mean become useless. So in Matthew 9:17 it is used to show what happens to old wineskins when you pour new wine into them: the skins

  • The central verses for the doctrine of Hell.

    Under the systematic heading of eschatology, there are topics more controversial, but none more hated than the doctrine of Hell. The doctrine of Hell is more repulsive to the natural man than any other doctrine save that of the holiness and sovereignty of God. In fact, the two are tied together with unbreakable bonds. All of Theology proper is bound up with the doctrines of Eschatology, as are all of the doctrines of Christology, Soteriology, Anthropology, and even Ecclesiology similarly bound. What affects one, affects the others unalterably. Christianity is a cohesive, coherent unit, therefore the modification of one doctrine …

  • Chris Date Receives Bad Advice

    Chris Date (not to be confused with Chris Bolt!) is an annihilationist who will be debating Choosing Hats contributor RazorsKiss on the following resolution: ā€œThe final punishment of the risen wicked will be annihilation, the permanent end to the conscious existence of the entire person.ā€

    See for example:




    When I came home tonight I saw a trackback to a post where Date quotes what is in his words some of the ā€œbest adviceā€ he has received concerning the upcoming debate:


    I am not familiar with Date. I do not intend to be rude. However, Date …