Apologetics to the Glory of God

Category: JD Greear

  • The Ease of Failure

    Just a bit ago, I saw a video clip wherein JD Greear was said to have claimed “the Bible changed over time.”  Given current controversy, I gave it a watch, and was shocked to discover him answering his interviewer’s question (billed in the caption as “Does the Bible change over time?”)  “of course it does!”

    Shock! Amaze! Horror!

    Except… that is not what the clip actually said. What made me wonder was the kick up into high gear that his following words made – he started talking exceptionally fast – often a sign that you have an important point to …

  • Still Greater Abominations

    As we mentioned previously, JD Greear, citing Jen Wilkin approvingly, claimed that God “whispers” about some sins, and “shouts” about others. Confusingly, just prior, he asserted that homosexuality was “one corruption among many” – a frequent theme was “is that equally depraved in your book?” He further cited that the Bible seems to “whisper” about sexual sins, in general. What we addressed last time was that the theme of Romans 1 was that sexual depravities are, in fact, a form of idolatry. Further, that this sort of idolatry was emblematic of God’s giving them over to a depraved …