Category: The Knowledge of God
Return of the Presuppositionalist: A counter-critique of a critique of presuppositionalism.
I was sent a link to view (a 4 part series) which ended in a critique of presuppositionalism. The full article can be found here:
Revenge of Objectivity: Preunderstanding, Presuppositions, and First Principles (Part 4)
Feel free to read the whole 4 part series.
So, lets get started:
“Naturally, the same problems with any representationalist epistemology are also embedded in the representationalism found within the presuppositional system.”
Presuppositionalism runs on a revelatory epistemology, not a representationalist epistemology.
“While the Thomist would certainly agree that God is the ultimate cause of all reality other than Himself and that the universal forms …