Apologetics to the Glory of God

Category: Common Objections

  • Our Covenant Keeping God

    Before you listen to the sermon I have linked below, I want you to do something for me. First, read Psalm 36. Second, read Romans 1-3. (As a bonus, throw in 4 and 5 – you might catch why I said that in the sermon.) Third, read the first chapter of Calvin’s Institutes. Fourth, ponder what implications the universal knowledge of God, the universal knowledge of His moral law, and the status of man as covenant-breaker, under Adam, his federal head, might have insofar as what Van Til’s usage of those concepts was, and what theology they presuppose. Please take …

  • An Exhortation

    Once upon a time, long ago, there was a fervent young man with a burning desire to defend his faith. He mixed it up on BBSs, wrote blog posts, went on forums, and even set up networks, and a “blog carnival” (for those of you who might remember that phenomenon). He had books by Lewis, McDowell, Craig, Habermas, Licona, and the like. Then, he ran into a problem. A Roman Catholic apologist wanted to join his apologetic blog carnival – his father was a Roman Catholic, and he knew just enough to know that wasn’t kosher – but he wasn’t …

  • CH interviews on the True Forms blog

    One of our channel regulars has interviewed several CH contributors on his blog True Forms, co-authored with Joshua Ro.

    Interview with Joshua – Apologetic Methodology
    Interview with Justin – Objections to the Method
    Interview with Matthias – Objections Against Christianity

    Also interviewed was Mike Robinson, author of a number of volumes concerning Presuppositional apologetics.…

  • Aseity and Possibility

    From this attribute of God, he has one of his names, “Shaddai”, which signifies, who is sufficient, or all-sufficient; of which see Chapter 3. Three things may be observed under this attribute.

    1. That God is a self-sufficient Being, and needs not anything from without himself to support himself, or to make himself happy. He is the “first” of Beings, the first and the last; before him there was no God formed, nor will be any after him; from everlasting to everlasting he is God; and therefore his existence is not owing to any; nor has he received any assistance

  • An Experiential Apologetic

    Quite often, we hear the claim “I came to faith through evidence” – with the conclusion being, of course, that evidentialism must be a valid form of apologetic methodology. How would you answer such a claim for yourself?

    First, there is the confusion of “system” with “element.” Evidence is not evidentialism. The two are massively different things. Evidentialism is distinguishable (in some ways) from classicalism, and in a host of ways from presuppositionalism. These differences, of course, are not on the level of “which things in this world that get talked about in …

  • Peripatetic 9 – Fristianity Style Counters

    Some people think Fristianity is a “Silver Bullet” objection to Covenantal Apologetics. Are they correct?…

  • Chat with a Skeptic

    I received an email the other day from an atheist whose name I am choosing not to reveal (for reasons I will get to shortly). The email read like a late-night infomercial, complete with a reference to a website, youtube channel, and book for sale. In addition, there came a challenge to debate us over the existence of God. My response was to suggest this individual visit us in our chat channel first so that we could get to know each other, before agreeing to a formal debate. This individual took me up on the offer and paid us a …

  • My Credo and Rodney King Methodology

    “There’s a place for every apologetic method.”

    “Can’t we argue about something essential?”

    While these remain as popular approaches to some traditional apologists, they run afoul of the very underpinnings of the Covenantal apologetic – which was from the beginning intended as a reform of our theology of apologetics. Van Til, the “father of presuppositionalism”, outlines these issues on pages 18-21 in his essay “My Credo”, found in the work “Jerusalem and Athens,” edited by E.R. Geehan. After reading this outline of the structure of the method, from the method’s “father” – can there be any surprise that the Covenantal …

  • Point of Contact 5

    Matthias, Joshua and Justin discuss the intrinsic ties between synergism and evidentialism, and the theological foundation of Covenantal apologetics in this edition of Point of Contact.…

  • Point of Contact – Relaunched!

    Matthias McMahon, Justin McCurry and I discuss the comments of a Sean Holloway in the Association of Evangelical Apologists facebook group.…