Apologetics to the Glory of God

Category: Convos, Observations, and Quotes

  • Peripatetic 30 – Simplicity, Systematic Theology, and Sanctification

    Recorded in mid-March; covers the relationship between Divine Simplicity and Systematic Theology, and goes through Ephesians 6 to emphasize the unity of the Christian life and the apologetic task. Additionally, as major examples, addresses practically all of the same subjects recently addressed on the blog, and gives a theological background for my recent comments about a variety of issues, as well as expanding on the previous episode.…

  • Peripatetic 29 – Theological Inclusivism

    On the perils of such beliefs, and examples thereof; to include C.S. Lewis, Kurt Jaros, Chris Date, William Lane Craig, and others.…

  • A Necessary Distinction

    In the midst of the turmoil which controversy creates, it is always refreshing to encounter an irenic, yet firm response in the midst of a variety of hasty and conjectural surmises.  That irenicism was, of course, the response of Mike Robinson, who many will know from his books and posts on a variety of subjects related to apologetics. When his response was brought to my attention, I was excited to see that he had commented on the situation.  Unfortunately, his post was in response only to the initial statement, which was intentionally designed to bring attention to the general …

  • The Shattered Stained Glass Window

    A lot of people seemed upset when I posted an encouragement and admonishment to Sye Ten Bruggencate yesterday.  The fallout seems to consist of either those praising me for doing so, or vilifying me for same.  I’m no stranger to controversy, obviously, so I have been watching the general trend of commentary.  The fallout from my detractors, on the main, seems to have missed the central meat of the post.  Sure, I mentioned several things only in general, but most of our regular readers know what I was referring to.  I’ve said the same things I am saying now over …

  • Dear Sye.

    Sye’s target audience is “regular joes”. Folks, I’m a truck driver. I am a “regular Joe”.  I’m also the one saying you can’t reduce things to the level he does, and that what Van Til taught, in accordance with the Scriptures, is much more than what Sye is teaching. I have spent a great deal of time explaining this method, the power of it, and the sheer exquisite beauty of it.  I have demonstrated it, and all of the other contributors here demonstrate it on a regular basis.  What Sye does, unfortunately, is shatter that stained glass window into shards,

  • Ancient Empiricism: Aristotle (Van Til’s Apologetic: Readings and Analysis, p329-333)

    0875520987Ancient Empiricism: Aristotle (139)

    (A)In a non-Christian scheme of thought abstract universal and particulars stand over against one another in an unreconcilable fashion. Such was the case in Plato’s philosophy. Aristotle sought to remedy the situation by teaching that the universale are present in the particulars. But he failed to get genuine contact between them, inasmuch as for him the lowest universal (infima species), was, after all, a supposed abstraction from particulars. Hence the particulars that were presupposed were bare particulars, having no manner of contact with universality. And if they should, per impossible, have contact with universality, they would …

  • Van Til on the Modern Man’s View of Scripture.

    vantil-studyIn response to A.E Taylor’s ‘Does God exist?’ Van Til writes:

    “Taylor simply assumes that every human mind, that of an apostle no less than that of any other man, contributes in an original sense to what it receives. The result is that even if he could believe in a self-contained God – which on his premises he cannot – Taylor cannot believe that any man could receive any revelation from such a God without to some extent, in the very act of reception, confusing it with his own experiences that operate independently of this God.
    The whole attitude of …

  • Peripatetic 28 – TD Jakes, Todd Bentley, Bill Johnson, Psalm 19, and the Sufficiency of Scripture

    solaMailbag edition, answering a question I was asked recently concerning various ministries, then a positive presentation of the sufficiency of Scripture, then finishing with a testimony for those concerned with such things.…

  • Peripatetic 27 – Rebuttal to Diane Bass Preaching a Pro-Homosexual Sermon in a Mississippi Southern Baptist Church

    Diane and Lance BassDiane Bass is the mother of Lance Bass, formerly of N’Sync – a native of Mississippi, where I call home.  As far as I can tell, she preached the message linked to on The Huffington Post (and by a multitude of “gay rights” organizations shortly thereafter) at Northside Baptist Church, in Clinton, MS.  My attestation for this claim can be found here.…

  • Peripatetic 26 – Emotions not Arguments – the Homosexual Advocacy Narrative

    We review an excellent example of the homosexual advocacy narrative du jour – a post for HuffPo by Micah J. Murray. Notice the crucial word that is missing from his material. Repentance. Notice also the lack of clarity and precision found throughout, and the intense focus on emotions.…