Apologetics to the Glory of God

Category: Convos, Observations, and Quotes

  • The God of Miscegenation: The Kinistic “woopsie!”

    “For you formed my inward parts; you knitted me together in my mother’s womb.” (Psalm 139:13)

    According to the Kinist, each race should not “inter-mix” with those of other races.

    What about the family who did that, and God was still pleased to bless them with a child of a different skin tone?

    If we are to affirm “Kinism” as well as Christian Theism, then the kinist would have to affirm that God is a God of miscegenation. From here the Kinist has a couple of options

    1) They  can abandon kinism, particularly the kind that entails that miscegenation is …

  • PZ Myers on “twisty” philosophy

    Beware! Presuppositionalists

    There are logical/philosophical arguments against presuppositionalism (there are good examples in the comments at Aron’s blog), but I guess I’m not a philosophical thinker in that same vein — they all seem to[sic] twisty and abstract for me, and I don’t really trust those kinds of rebuttals.

    Count the number of assertions from the field of philosophy to follow – not to mention the amazing assertions concerning what presup consists of. Quite intriguing to witness. If you like train wrecks. See how many mistakes you can find in just this short article.…

  • God and Desire

    It was a bit of an eyebrow raiser – mostly due to the nonchalance of the entire affair – (albeit unsurprising, given prior statements he has made) to read Piper simply handing over 1 Tim. 2:4 to Arminianism. What’s also quite interesting is that the handoff is done with practically no exegetical attention paid to the surrounding verses, or seemingly, even an attempt to interact with the historic Reformed commentators on the subject.

    Put two texts together, and see what you see.

    “God desires all people to be saved and to come to the knowledge of the truth (eis

  • Seen Elsewhere – On Comments

    A comment on this post I’d like to reply to.

    I rarely allow comments from adherents to unorthodox positions on one of my teaching posts – especially those comments with content covered by multiple entries in the FAQ, the site rules, or that have been answered elsewhere on the site. We have quite a different conception of the purpose for the comment section than most blogs do. Further, I prefer there be some apologetic benefit to engaging your comment – I saw none in that instance, as it seemed to be an assertion without argument that Reformed …

  • Baird is the word

    A few weeks ago I was answering some of the problems an atheist had with the apologetic method that we adhere to. He was noticing it to be a new “fad”. I only posted a few comments in response to some of the comments there and moved on. Today I was reading through some of my unread comments and I noticed that Paul Baird responded to me responding to the blogger. I found some of the comments interesting so I decided to answer them from here. I will post the comments that Baird responded to me responding to Adam. …

  • According to Knowledge

    It is often the case that personal ignorance is mistaken for Biblical mystery. It must be immediately stated that just because you haven’t learned something yet does not mean that it remains a mystery, or veiled. The term “revelation” refers to the disclosure of something formerly secret, or obscure. Often, the objector will assert that there is no fundamental difference between subjects such as women in ministry, election, or millenialism – or that the answer to any (or all) of these is simply mysterious – but this simply isn’t true. The Bible speaks with clarity on all that it speaks. …

  • Fundamentalist Atheism

    After your eyes stop bleeding – compare the incredible professionalism – and the ability to perfectly represent the other side – to the video featured here.

    Fundamentalist Atheism:

    Spouting bumper sticker truisms and unaesthetic, simplistic comic books for those unwilling to deal with arguments.

    Jack Chick: Well, we see him as a raving fundy, too.
    Pretty cool, huh? Check /r/atheism sometime. It’s awesome, and incredibly convincing. Just like Jack Chick. Don’t forget your Sagan quotes. Jack Chick sure won’t forget his King James.…

  • Admitting the Possibility

    (4:50) “Please pray for us? It seems to me as though Joshua’s prayer leading up to this debate, and my prayer, are a bit different. I’ll let you follow his posts so that you can check that out. My prayer for the upcoming debate is not that what I think is the truth will in fact be made out to be true. Because I quite frankly admit the possibility that I might be wrong about this; I don’t think that I am, and I think that the Scripture is clearly in support of the position that I’ll be advancing. But

  • The FAQ Section: A Reminder

    This is just a friendly reminder to new site commenters as well as visitors to our chat channel. As it says in the comment section, please make sure you have read through the FAQ section before making a comment, or asking a question in the chat channel. Obviously, we haven’t addressed every objection there is – but we do have at least a general context given there for most objections, and their general categories, which should inform our mutual discussion.

    This section can be visited by clicking the “FAQ” tab up top – if there is a subject that you’d …

  • In the Vein of “Everything you ever learned was wrong”

    There are the Jehovah’s Witness claims that the entire Christian church has always been wrong about, well, almost everything. Except for those few ECFs they could massage into some sort of superficial agreement, of course. Mormonism likewise asserts that all churches ceased to be true churches rather quickly following Christ’s ascension. Islam, with it’s idea of scriptural supercessionism and their revisionist version of what the Scriptures actually are, or taught, have a similar view of Christianity as a whole. It’s much the same with any other warmed-over historical error – be they large, as the wholesale replacement religions seen above …