Category: Convos, Observations, and Quotes
Doppelganger theism
Ben Askins commented on a podcast done by RazorsKiss about Fristianity styled counters. I’m going to post my own responses here, and work out some of the ways we think about these kinds of objections.
“The Fristianity objection is calculated to consider the assertion of the Trinity as the resolution of the “one-and-many problem,” in consideration of the strong modal claim in Greg Bahnsen’s formulation of a transcendental argument (i.e. “God is the *necessary* precondition for X” where X is some moral, metaphysical or epistemic given.).
So step [1] with respect to Fristianity would require presenting reasons why a trinitarian …
The Cat Is Out Of The Bag
I was pointed to a statement made by Matt Oxley (aka Raging Rev..) and it seems that he’s caught on to our Christian secrets…
“I suspect, and I might be wrong, that History‘s The Bible mini-series might be one of the best things for atheism to happen in a long time. As the Bible is actively read by some 16% of Christians this is giving millions an opportunity to see parts of the cannon that are morally objectionable attributed to their god.
After all of these years of successfully hiding those parts of the bible …