Apologetics to the Glory of God

Category: Cornelius Van Til

  • Infallibilism, Knowledge, Attenuated Presup and Unwitting Clarkianism

    So, I was involved in a bit of a dustup with some folks yesterday. Essentially, the bone of contention was concerning knowledge. The position of our antagonists, essentially, was that knowledge, to be knowledge, must be “infallible.” There are a variety of issues with this stance, but chiefly, my concern is from theology proper, as we will explore; although we will address a few other issues along the way as well.

    My response is first to the notion of infallibility being applied to “knowledge” in the first place. Fallibility, obviously, means an ability to fail. Well, to fail, one has …

  • Got Worship?

    If you read this site often, you’ve probably seen Romans 1:25

    “because they exchanged the truth about God for a lie and worshiped and served the creature rather than the Creator, who is blessed forever! Amen.” 

    You’ve probably seen the following quote from Calvin’s Institutes

    The human mind, stuffed as it is with presumptuous rashness, dares to imagine a god suited to its own capacity; as it labours under dullness, nay, is sunk in the grossest ignorance, it substitutes vanity and an empty phantom in the place of God.” (Inst. I.11.8)

    And last of all, you’ve probably seen one …

  • Dreamers Utopia

    Men are glad to read the utopias that dreamers have dreamed; they are glad even to include the story of Genesis in their repertoire of light reading for leisure hours, but men rebel against being told that their ethical ideals must be judged by the ethical ideals of Adam.

    The real meaning of this opposition to the original perfect ethical ideal is nothing short of hatred of the living God. If God does exist as man’s Creator, it is as we have seen, impossible that evil should be inherent in the temporal universe. If God exists, man himself must have

  • Cornelius Van Til The Covenant Apologist

    “To bring out the interrelatedness of God’s revelation in Scripture with his revelation

    in nature, we speak first of the necessity of natural revelation. It is customary to speak of

    the necessity of supernatural revelation because of the fact that there is no revelation of

    grace in nature. However, it is equally true that the revelation of grace would operate in a

    vacuum if it did not operate in nature as revealing God. The supernatural can never be

    recognized for what it is unless the natural is recognized for what it is: both must be

    recognized in the light of …