Category: defectivebit
Podcasts: Fixing backlinks
Many of the podcasts we did previously still point to incorrect urls on the old domain. I’m going through a number of them and fixing incorrect references. They should all work later this am.…
A Presuppositional Devotion
It is interesting to come across some very presuppositional teaching from people who don’t really fly the flag and I like to note it when I do. August 10, 2014 “For the Love of God” devotional by D. A. Carson was one such devotional. I especially appreciated his call for people to be precise about the use of the Psalm 14:1 and Romans 1. I think it is a good reminder for us all as it seems like much of the recent popular apologetics billing itself as “presuppositional” is more about the misapplying these passage by simply calling people fools …
True Iglesia Articles
Chat channel regular cco3 has been hard at work since the launch of his website True Iglesia making short articles to address the various claims made by the Filipino organization known as the Iglesia ni Cristo. Be sure to share them, especially with your Filipino friends.
Iglesia Ni Cristo Centennial Tract
A regular in our chatroom has created a new tract for bringing the gospel to the Iglesia ni Cristo. I think a lot of it could be used in discussion with Roman Catholics too, as odd as it sounds some Iglesia ni Cristo arguments are very Roman Catholicesque.
Check it out here: and share with your Filipino friends (believer or unbeliever).…
Apologetics 101 Lectures – Dr. K. Scott Oliphint
Westminster Theological Seminary has released all 28 lectures on iTunesU of Dr. Oliphint’s Apologetics 101 class. Get them here:
Also check out our Reading Plan page for more ideas for learning Covenantal Apologetics.…
When an it becomes He – John 1:1 and the Iglesia Ni Cristo
I was directed the other day to a post by an Iglesia Ni Cristo apologist (hereafter INC) where he tackles John 1:1 and specifically denies that the “Word” in John 1:1 is a person. The author quotes a Greek lexicon to say logos means a concept or idea. Then proceeds to apply that to John 1:1.
Therefore, in view of the definition given above, what was with God in the beginning was His concept, a plan or an idea (logos) about the Christ who would be coming into the world.
Ok, that is pretty easy to follow. …
Dr. James Anderson – On Worldviews
Dr. Anderson has written some blog posts for Crossway that coincide with the release of his book. He has linked to all of them here:…
Nye vs Ham Debate Analysis – Dr. Al Mohler
Dr. Al Mohler has written some good (in my opinion) analysis of the Nye vs Ham.
What’s your worldview? – A new book from Dr. James Anderson
Dr. James Anderson’s new book “What’s your worldview?” ( ) has been released on Amazon and is available at a discount (for a limited time) at WTS Books in bulk. Check it out!…
Impostors in Presuppositionalism
I came across a very good post discussing the rise of of some popular level apologetic methodology that tries to brand itself as Van Tilian presuppositionalism but is really just an impostor.
Check it out here:…