Category: Apologetics In Practice
The Law and New Covenant Theology
Excellent exposition from Romans 2, a text I’ve had occasion to look at as well. He also addresses other texts in a shorter fashion. Pay close attention to the various implications he draws out from the denial of universal moral law, along with other issues, that NCT demands. If I might be so bold, it might also be helpful to look over my paper in the first issue of In Antithesis, which addresses Romans 1 and the first part of 2.
New Covenant Theology
I don’t think I’ve ever posted on this subject before – primarily because the majority of the support for this is internet-based, and non-systematized. Since the subject has come up on the facebook page, however, I decided to include this in order to address the topic, as we are on the subject of covenant, and as some brothers have said, the terminology itself gives the impression of taking the ‘high ground”, as it were. It may also be helpful for those who haven’t studied the topic at all before. It’s an introduction, and done a good while ago. On the …
The New Covenant
This is a wonderful exposition of Baptist Covenant Theology. Again, no homework. I only ask that you be mindful of what is taught, and what the implications are for the denial of that teaching – especially in the context of our methodology.
The Covenant of Works
I don’t have any homework for you before this one. I would, however, invite you to think, very carefully, about what the nature of Adam’s headship would be, if this doctrine was denied – and what covenant that man could be said to be breaking. There are, of course, many implications to be found here – but I’ll leave you to ponder them for yourself.
Van Til on Systematic and Covenant Theology
“We have already indicated that the best apologetic defense will invariably be made by him who knows the system of truth of Scripture best. The fight between Christianity and non-Christianity is, in modern times, no piece-meal affair. It is the life-and-death struggle between two mutually opposed life-and-world views.”
“It is a God-given duty that we should take the content of Scripture and bring it together in a systematic whole. It is plain that we are required to know the revelation that God has given us. Yet we would not adequately know that revelation if we knew it only in its …
To TAG or Not To TAG?
How strongly did Van Til feel about using TAG when arguing for God?
Now the only argument for an absolute God that holds water is a transcendental argument.
Quite strongly. It’s not that there aren’t other arguments – they just don’t hold any water when arguing for the kind of God revealed in the Bible – an absolute God. If we are totally dependent upon God (as is the case if God is absolute), then we are necessarily dependent upon God as our starting point in reasoning. If we aim to show that this kind of God exists, we must …
Our Covenant Keeping God
Before you listen to the sermon I have linked below, I want you to do something for me. First, read Psalm 36. Second, read Romans 1-3. (As a bonus, throw in 4 and 5 – you might catch why I said that in the sermon.) Third, read the first chapter of Calvin’s Institutes. Fourth, ponder what implications the universal knowledge of God, the universal knowledge of His moral law, and the status of man as covenant-breaker, under Adam, his federal head, might have insofar as what Van Til’s usage of those concepts was, and what theology they presuppose. Please take …
An Overview of the 1689 London Baptist Confession
Now, I’m well aware that not all of you are Reformed Baptists. I’m also aware that not all of our readers are confessional. I won’t press the Reformed Baptist distinctives, but you should, however, be confessional. As Dr. James Renihan says in this lecture; “Before you ask the question ‘what should I do’ – ask the question, ‘what do I believe?’” Reformed Baptist or not, confessional or not, this is a valuable lecture – and hopefully, it will explain, far better than I could, the importance of confessionalism in a consistent, Scriptural faith – and by extension, in your apologetic …
Van Til on the New Evangelicalism
I heard this the other day… it was dynamite. I hadn’t listened to it in a couple years. Check it out.
CH interviews on the True Forms blog
One of our channel regulars has interviewed several CH contributors on his blog True Forms, co-authored with Joshua Ro.
Interview with Joshua – Apologetic Methodology
Interview with Justin – Objections to the Method
Interview with Matthias – Objections Against ChristianityAlso interviewed was Mike Robinson, author of a number of volumes concerning Presuppositional apologetics.…