Category: Apologetics In Practice
The Inveterate Incoherency of Race
Here is the problem, at root. We talk about race – but what do we mean when we say that? If that question sounds familiar, it should! Before we can address the issue, we need to define the issue. So first, what is meant by race, but secondly, from whence do we get it? Thirdly, is our discussion of it consistent with the rest of our doctrine? You typically already know the answer to this once you’ve answered the first two questions – but it is good to answer it clearly, so that you face it clearly.
As already mentioned, …
Francois Tremblay as Philosophical Flat-Earther
Classical foundationalism is dead. But that does not stop foolish atheists like Francois Tremblay from continuing to promote such an outdated epistemological starting point. Francois Tremblay is an atheist who complains about, “Chris Bolt, who wrote a rant against the principle that, ‘It is wrong always, everywhere and for everyone to believe anything upon insufficient evidence.’” He writes, “I find this fascinating because this principle is so obvious and so straightforward that the idea of someone arguing against it seems strange at best.”
Right, so it’s an “obvious” and “so straightforward” principle. It’s “strange” that someone would argue against it. …