Apologetics to the Glory of God

Author: Justin

  • Sola Scriptura, Van Til, and a Reformed Apologetic

    As the Reformed Baptist pastor, apologist, and author  Dr. James White says so well, “the people most enslaved by their traditions are those who believe they don’t have any.”

    This is simply to say that  we come to the text of Scripture, along with everything else,  with presuppositions about how we should interpret it. We don’t read the Scripture in a vacuum, or in some neutral fashion, because according to Scripture, it’s impossible, as we will see in a quote from Van Til.

    So why is the Reformed tradition superior? Well, it certainly isn’t because of the men who subscribe …

  • Wisdom vs Wisdom [falsely so called]

    After a recent conversation I had with a couple of friends, I was reminded of a very important subject that needs to be brought to the forefront of the Christian’s life and apologetic. This subject is the wisdom that is true, and wisdom that is falsely so called. The Scripture always sets wisdom and and false wisdom in diametrical opposition to one another. It is for this reason we point out that there are only two worldviews, Christian Theism and it’s denial. Similar to this, there are only two kinds of wisdom.

    The scripture has much to say about the …

  • Full Assurance, Epistemic Certainty, and Christ

    Much to my dismay, there have been those who would consider themselves  in the camp of Presuppositional/Covenantal  apologetics that have moved away from the idea that we can be epistemically (having to do with knowledge) certain of our faith. Contrary to their claims, the Apostles knew nothing of an uncertain apologetic. This has been argued many times by Presuppositionalist/Covenantal apologists such as Dr. Greg Bahnsen.

    I appreciated how Dr. Lane Tipton defined the distinctive of The Westminster approach to apologetics (i.e. The reformed, biblical, covenantal approach) in a Youtube video entitled “Christ-Centered Apologetics

    Where I think our distinctive