Apologetics to the Glory of God

Is 2+2=4 just ink on paper?


There is truth outside of Scripture sure, but most of it can’t be proven. There are only those things which can be scientifically proven. (1) It must be physical (touchable visible), (2) able to be observed, and (3) able to be repeated. If anything does not include these three things then we don’t know whether it is true.
We believe the Bible because it is God’s word-and everything God says is true because God is righteous, although we have no proof that there is a God – we have faith. So archeology is our only proof of the Bible.

So if God didn’t say something and it hasn’t been proven sceintifically, why should I belive it?



Chris: “There is truth outside of Scripture sure, but most of it can’t be proven. There are only those things which can be scientifically proven. (1) It must be physical (touchable visible), (2) able to be observed, and (3) able to be repeated. If anything does not include these three things then we don’t know whether it is true.”


You don’t know that 2+2=4 is true?


Anna: Chris I can pick up (what we call) two physical pens in each of my physical hands and believe that I am holding (what we call) four pens. If you were right in front of me you could observe it and both of us could repeat it. As for the words, I can pick up a couple of pens and have twice as many, dos y dos es cuatro, and II+II =IV ect.

If you told an Italian speaking person two plus two = four he wouldn’t believe you.
2+2=4 is just ink on a page.


Since everything can’t be proven true, this means that I believe lies, and things that I can’t determine whether they are truth or lies, I admit.


Chris: Actually if you told an Italian speaking person that two plus two equals four he would not understand you. He would most likely believe you as soon as you expressed the proposition in a language he could understand, because I would gather that most Italian speakers do not just believe but actually know that 2+2=4 even right now. There is a big difference between not understanding and not believing.

And no, 2+2=4 is not just ink on paper. The symbols are an empirical expression of an eternal truth. If we post the proposition here and then delete it, that does not mean that it ceases to exist. In fact, I can know that 2+2=4 without ever seeing it expressed in an empirical manner, just like I can know the laws of logic, the existence and nature of God, and tons of other non-empirical entities.




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