Fundamentalist atheists insist upon pitting science against religion as though the two are at odds when really they are not. They insist upon taking the side of science as though they are experts in the field in virtue of their atheism when really they are not. They insist that their dogmatic assumption of scientism – roughly the idea that science is the only or best way to knowledge – is rational when really it is not.
Let’s be clear. Science and religion are not enemies in the least. In fact, science presupposes a Christian worldview. Atheists are not necessarily experts in the field of science. In fact, most of them do not have any more formal scientific education than you do. Scientism is an insufficient means to acquire any number of basic elements of human knowledge. In fact, it is self-refuting.
Christian apologists are really beating a dead horse when they point out the fatal flaws of scientism. But fundamentalist atheists are a stubborn lot. They keep mounting the horse thinking that maybe this time they can ride away.
William Lane Craig is not any more fond of this style of equestrianism than I am.
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