A common objection fundamentalist Atheists will sometimes make after a presuppositionalist has shown that skeptical arguments from within the Atheist’s worldview sever the senses is usually stated O: “But you use your senses to read the Bible!” Let’s take a closer look at this objection and bring some clarity to why it fails.
Worldview A: “The Atheist Worldview.”
Worldview C: “The Christian Worldview.”
Conclusion X: “The senses fall to skeptical arguments.”
Objection O: “But you use your senses to read the Bible!”
The objection usually comes about when the Christian has taken on A for the sake of argument and shown through various skeptical arguments that X is the case when A is presupposed. Then the Atheist will exclaim O from within A against the Christian. Note that the Atheist has given his position regarding X away and admitted it is valid by trying to use it against the Christian who is arguing X from within A. This is an irrelevant objection because the Christian doesn’t hold to A, he holds to C. In fact the Atheist begs the question against the Christian because the Atheist hasn’t taken on C for the sake of the argument and shown why O would be the case.
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