Consider the following transcript of a very brief discussion I had today with a brilliant atheist. Please note the atheist’s handle has been changed for privacy purposes.
brilliant_atheist: i accepted the cosmological argument
BKing: why?
brilliant_atheist: but I deny that it points to something alive
BKing: it is a terrible argument
brilliant_atheist: because the universe needs a cause
BKing: why?
brilliant_atheist: because it exists
BKing: so everything that exists requires a cause?
brilliant_atheist: yes
BKing: um
BKing: dude
BKing: ever heard of an infinite regress?
brilliant_atheist: yeah?
BKing: what caused the universe?
brilliant_atheist: something further physical did
BKing: and what caused that “something further physical thing?”
brilliant_atheist: it is a timeless thing
BKing: does it exist?
brilliant_atheist: yes
BKing: so everything that exists requires a cause?
brilliant_atheist: yes
BKing: so what caused it?
brilliant_atheist: well it exists timelessly
BKing: so what caused it?
brilliant_atheist: it doesn’t require a cause
BKing: you just contradicted yourself
brilliant_atheist: well then how do you solve the paradox?
Resby: by trashing the cosmological argument
BKing: not everything that exists requires a cause
brilliant_atheist: well if God exists he caused the universe
BKing: agreed
brilliant_atheist: so why do you think that you can dismiss the cosm. argument?
BKing: because it either a) leads to an infinite regress or b) is contradictory
BKing: I just demonstrated b) above in my discussion with you
brilliant_atheist: …
brilliant_atheist: well then you prove God doesnt exist
BKing: non sequitur
brilliant_atheist: you people…
BKing: once again, I never said everything that exists requires a cause
BKing: you said that
BKing: not me
brilliant_atheist: i will go find myself some mainstream apologists… vantillians are retarded
brilliant_atheist left the chat room.
I’m not sure I want to be a “mainstream apologist”. What about you?
(special thanks to Resby for his insightful comment)
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