By C.L. Bolt
What I endeavor to accomplish in the following pieces is not to provide an exhaustive account of all things presuppositional but to grant the readers a very basic level knowledge of Van Tillian presuppositionalism also known as Covenantal Apologetics without fancy terminology or at least with definitions when technical language is used. My hopes are to write something merely from memory as opposed to turning to sources and then collecting them in a Works Cited or Bibliography. I don’t mean to go back and correct much of what I write or to answer objections that people might have although there will hopefully be some of those answers implicit in what I provide. Again I am writing at an introductory level here in a rough way and not at an academic level or in an academic way. Even those who disagree may find information which will give them the basic tenets explained by someone who has spent some time studying this particular system or method of apologetics.
These short pieces are being written again from memory and without sources at hand. It should also be said that I will not make explicit reference to passages in Scripture but will from time to time allude to it. In this way I hope to give you my words and my understanding of presuppositional or covenantal apologetics in the vein of Van Til and Bahnsen. These pieces will generally take me around ten minutes tops to write and so again, they will be somewhat rough. Nevertheless I hope that what I put down will be of some use to you, the reader, if for no other reason than to provide you with some entertainment through laughing at how poor of a communicator or writer I am.
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