Apologetics to the Glory of God

Homosexuality and Imploding Hypotheticals

Thrasymachus at Urban Philosophy has written a post wherein he attempts to educate some of us on how to not be a “religious nutter” in the context of the ethics of homosexuality. He writes, “Assume God exists. Assume Christianity is true. Imagine yourself as a Christian.” Thankfully I do not have too much difficulty accepting these assumptions for the sake of argument.

Thrasymachus next writes,Say you know that there’s a mountain of evidence suggesting that homosexuality isn’t bad, yet your religious beliefs say it is bad.” Unfortunately it is impossible for me to accept the first assumption of this sentence as it is inconsistent with the assumptions Thrasymachus has already requested that I take in reading this portion of his argument. Since God exists and Christianity is true and since I am a Christian it is wholly impossible for there to be “a mountain of evidence suggesting that homosexuality isn’t bad.” Not only is there a theologically and philosophically untenable and unwritten assumption here which suggests that there are such things as brute facts which ‘speak for themselves’ but according to the Christian God homosexuality is “bad”. Thrasymachus even writes that my “religious beliefs say it is bad.” Thrasymachus might want to argue that Christianity is false or argue that Christianity does not entail that homosexuality is immoral but the assumptions Thrasymachus wants his readers to accept appear to exclude the advancement of such arguments.

But what do I know? I am just a “crazy” “religious nutter”. 😉



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7 responses to “Homosexuality and Imploding Hypotheticals”

  1. Payton Avatar

    Yes, you are.

    The question is whether or not we should punish you for it.

  2. Payton Avatar

    Yes, you are.

    The question is whether or not we should punish you for it

  3. C.L. Bolt Avatar

    Well I patiently await some actual argumentation to back up your assumption of morality upon your own view and an answer to the problem I highlighted in this post. Aside from this you are just engaging in name calling.

  4. LKUnger Avatar


    Assume the Christian worldview and then explain the mountain of evidence that homosexuality is not “bad”, in a Christian worldview?

    Why are you wasting time on this tenth grader?


    I suggest that you leave apologetics and get into politics. If this is the calibre of ‘intellectuals’ that are running around these days, our respective countries need us badly

  5. […] Thrasymachus is a contributor to Urban Philosophy known for writing lengthy diatribes concerning his hatred for Christ. His posts generally take a shotgun approach and are so full of bad rhetoric that they discourage even the most Mother’s-basement-confined-E-pologist from taking the time to respond. Still, there are certainly problems to be found in his posts. […]

  6. Micah Burke Avatar
    Micah Burke

    there’s a mountain of evidence suggesting that homosexuality isn’t bad, yet your religious beliefs say it is bad

    Define “bad”… How does Thrasymachus define “bad”? People seem outraged when we note the logical conditions they claim require the acceptance of beastiality etc, thinking we’re “comparing” but seem not to realize they have no objective basis for claiming X is “good” and Y is “bad”.

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