Apologetics to the Glory of God

Month: August 2009

  • A bit of a rant.

    We are, essentially, an accident. The universe is a given, we know not its origin or whether or not it even had one though we have made some good guesses concerning the topic. From the mix of things came the first life. We do not know how. All we know is that we are here now as the result of an incredibly long chain of consecutive moments derivative of the contingent particulars of existence. Everything we are is the result not of random chance, but of biological evolution guided as it were through natural selection colliding with genetic mutations and …

  • Missing the Basics

  • The Portable Presuppositionalist

    Our friend Jamin Hubner at http://www.realapologetics.org/ has taken great pains to put together a much needed book on the topic of…you guessed it, presuppositional apologetics! The book includes, among other things, a handful of articles written by contributors to this blog. I was shocked at how reasonable the price is as well. http://amzn.com/1439219915 Take a look and order it today!…