Tag: politics
Public Display of Religion
Few things really irk me in this world. There’s waking up, missing church, missing the gym, slow internet connections – to name a couple. One thing in particular that always tends to turn the knob on my internal oven, and I’ve been seeing a lot of it lately, is the insistence by the non-religious that “private religion” is to be kept out of the public realm, or that religion is to be kept out of politics, etc. I understand that, particularly with regard to Christianity, there are some debates on what a Christian body politic would look like, but my …
This is a problem. (Updated)
HT: Alan Kurschner
EDIT: For a different account see also – http://www.christandpopculture.com/elsewhere/muslims-stoning-christians-in-michigan-not-quite…
President Obama Tramples Religious Liberty (Al Mohler)
…[T]he Obama Administration trampled religious liberty under the feet of the leviathan state, forcing religious employers to do what conscience will not allow. Religious organizations such as schools, colleges, and hospitals will be required to pay for services that they believe to be immoral and disobedient to God.
Supreme Court Rules on Religious Employees and Discrimination