Apologetics to the Glory of God

Choosing Hats

  • Zoroastrianism, Part 1

    At base, there are only two worldviews, Christianity and non-Christianity. There are numerous instances of texts of Scripture which give rise to this understanding of worldviews. Of course, within the realm of non-Christian thought there are many manifestations of the non-Christian worldview. For example, Islam and agnosticism are two different manifestations of the rejection of the Christian worldview. These manifestations are what people typically refer to when speaking of worldviews. This may serve to raise some interesting discussions about the terms we use when describing the aforementioned entities, but for now we will set this issue aside.

    A frequent objection …

  • What’s in the queue?

    At the suggestion of Paul (Paul seems to have a lot of suggestions), the contributors to this blog will be starting a weekly discussion of presuppositional apologetics, centered around the book “Always Ready” by the late Dr. Greg Bahnsen.

    The reason I mention this here is because we are planning on recording the audio from these discussions in order to post on the site. It is our hope that the questions raised and problems tackled in our discussions might be of use to others who frequent this site.

    On another note, Paul also had the idea (see what I mean?) …

  • A Study In The Nature Of God’s Word (Authority) – Part 2

    The nature of faith and knowledge

    Some of you might complain about my goal to demonstrate the Bible as inerrant. You might say “Brian, doesn’t the Bible speak about faith? Isn’t that how we are supposed to approach Jesus Christ – on faith? Isn’t all of this discussion about ‘proving this’ and ‘demonstrating that’ simply unnecessary, based on what the Bible says about faith?” After all, we don’t know the Bible is inerrant, we just have faith that it is, right?

    Well there is no doubt that scripture speaks about faith and belief. However, are we supposed …

  • The Asparagus And The Ape – Part 2

    One of the wonderful things about presuppositionalism is that one need look no farther than the very basic teachings of the Bible in order to get one’s answers about philosophical issues which worry and weary the unbeliever. One such problem before the unbeliever is how the essential assumption of human dignity is accounted for in a non-Christian worldview. Our society is ruminated with the implications of human dignity, and yet we saw in Part 1 of the treatment of this subject that there are fatal flaws in attempting to consistently adhere to both a non-Christian view of the world and …

  • The Asparagus And The Ape – Part 1

    “It was nothing to brag about, just a sort of squishy blob…”

    The mysterious squishy blob described above is a character in the book Ishmael by Daniel Quinn. The blob lives “half a billion years ago”. Ishmael, a story telling gorilla, relates the details of the blob’s environment.

    Nothing at all stirred on the land, except the wind and the dust. Not a single
    blade of grass waved in the wind, not a single cricket chirped, not a
    single bird soared in the sky…Even the seas were eerily still and silent, for
    the vertebrates too were tens of millions of

  • A Study In The Nature Of God’s Word (Authority) – Part 1

    God is good and is worthy of our praise.

    You know, this seemed to me like an appropriate place to start, even though this is a phrase that is considered somewhat of a cliché by many these days. However, if we don’t begin with a confession of who God is, then we will be tempted to look for some other starting point in our study of his word. We might be tempted to look for some greater authority than God himself as seen through his written revelation to us, and so that is why I say once again that God …