Apologetics to the Glory of God

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  • New Book On The Theology Of John Frame

    Click here to read a post by Jeff Downs at AOMin concerning an exciting new 1232 page book Speaking the Truth in Love: The Theology of John Frame with contributions from some familiar names in theology and apologetics.

    These are exciting times!…

  • Real Apologetics

    Our friend Jamin Hubner is doing some great work over at Real Apologetics Make sure to check it out!…

  • Warming Up to Presuppositionalism

    While the rule seems to be that most non-Christians do not accept Presuppositionalism as a valid form of argumentation (due mostly to misunderstanding it), there are those who have, in my experience, warmed to the idea over time. Case in point, a cyber-friend of mine I will call by the initials “HR”. HR and I have known each other for close to 7 years now, primarily through the medium of a discussion board that he and I frequent. When we first met online, I was just coming up to speed on the Presuppositional approach to defending Christianity. Needless to say, …

  • Possibility In Objectivism


    “If there is no evidence for a proposition, there is no need to take it seriously.” – Objectivist Dawson Bethrick of www.bahnsenburner.blogspot.com

    This was written recently in the midst of what has proven to be a lengthy dispute between the author and me over topics like induction and presuppositionalism. I felt this statement in particular worthy of commenting upon. One may encounter a similar statement asserted by any number of other people regardless of whether or not they are Objectivists. There are a number of concerns to be had about the statement.

    First, there needs to be a definition …

  • God Is Not Whacky

    As presuppositionalists we take the whole of the Christian worldview and set it against those positions which are opposed to it. Claims must be understood within the contexts of the views from which they originate. For the Christian this means, among other things, that he or she should be familiar with Scripture. Our apologetic is based upon our theology, not the other way around. An example of the necessity of familiarity with Scripture for the apologetic endeavor may be seen in instances where an unbeliever makes the argument that the Christian has no reason for thinking that future experiences will …

  • No Excuse For Homosexuality

    Someone posted a comment on my previous blog article regarding homosexuality and had his post removed because of the profane language he unwisely chose to use. Unfortunately his post was full of the kind of hatred those who approve of homosexuality are often hasty to utilize and so it was difficult to separate his alleged “argument” from attack. Though I obviously will not be reposting the comment, I would like to point out a few serious problems with what he offered in “defense” of homosexuality as indicative of the lack of an apologetic the unbelieving view of homosexuality suffers from.…

  • “Homophobia” and Homosexuality

    This is a conversation I had via the Internet with a homosexual atheist friend from my old school. He posted something online which listed some emotional examples of hate crimes against homosexuals and declared that homophobia is wrong. I decided to question him about his beliefs.

    Me: I agree, of course, that the descriptions of how these people were treated is morally and emotionally disturbing. People are sick and hateful. I am glad that I was not raised to hate homosexuals. In the sense described here then, I certainly think that “homophobia” is childish and wrong.

    The last line though, …

  • Answering Pastafarianism

    It must be confessed that the postulation of the Flying Spaghetti Monster has resulted in the creation of some rather humorous material on the Internet and elsewhere. See the Church of the Flying Spaghetti Monster

    The FSM also has its place in certain philosophical discussions, though I am afraid that the number of such discussions is much lower than what the typical unbeliever apparently supposes. It is unfortunate that the FSM has been removed so far from its original context as to lose its function as an Overload Objection and to be used instead in thoughtless mockery.

    The FSM is …

  • The Problem of Religion (Part 2): Hume and Freud

    David Hume

    Hume is similar to Nietzsche in that he attacks philosophical norms, but what is pertinent to this article is that he likewise attacks religion. Hume finds many philosophical worries with religion. One of these worries is with the inadequacies of supposed proofs such as arguments from experience and miracles, which are at the core of many religions.

    Hume presents a proof for the existence of God from experience through the character Cleanthes. This is the popular argument from design, which contends that since there is in the universe design and order there must also be a designer. After …

  • The Futility of Unbelief

    My wife and I are currently listening to a debate (live) between well known atheist Dan Barker and Christian apologist Dr. James White through www.aomin.org.

    Dan Barker just finished his opening statement which more or less left us with the old argument that the account of Jesus was borrowed from mythology. This is not why I am writing this post.

    After Barker’s opening statement, Dr. White got up to begin his opening statement. As Dr. White always does his homework, his opening statement was full of quotes from Barker’s books. One would think that Mr. Barker would be glad to …