Apologetics to the Glory of God

Tag: attributes of God

  • Point of Contact – Are the Laws of Logic Created?

    Point of Contact

    In this first episode of our newest podcast – Brian Knapp, Joshua Whipps, and Nic Heath discuss the nature of the laws of logic.

  • Happy Reformation Day From Choosing Hats!


    In April 1518 Martin Luther was called upon by the Augustinian order of Germany to set out and defend his theology at the General Chapter of Heidelberg. While Luther was rather thoroughly surrounded by controversy he would be presenting the theological ideas which had produced this controversy to those who shared much of his Augustinian thinking. The name of the presentation Luther delivered is the Heidelberg Disputation. The Heidelberg Disputation consists of a number of theses divided between philosophical theses and theological theses. The theological theses are explained in much greater detail than are the philosophical theses. Luther actually …

  • Acquainted with the Watch-Maker

    The so-called argument from design by well-meaning “Apologists” has, we believe, done much more harm than good, for it has attempted to bring down the great God to the level of finite comprehension, and thereby has lost sight of his solitary excellence.

    Analogy has been drawn between a savage finding a watch upon the sands, and from a close examination of it he infers a watch-maker. So far so good. But attempt to go further: suppose that savage sits down on the sand and endeavors to form to himself a conception of this watch-maker, his personal affections and manners; his

  • Is the Qur'an the Word of God? – Debate Transcript

    Debate Thesis: Is the Qur’an the Word of God?


    [12:07] [BK] ok, the floor is yours, Algo
    [12:07] [PL] Very Good.
    [12:07] [PL] Welcome Gentlemen.
    [12:08] [PL] Let us now begin our formal debate with an intro/bio.
    [12:08] [PL] Introducing MusLm :
    [12:08] [PL] Name: Yasser Ali
    [12:08] [PL] Nick: MusLm
    [12:08] [PL] Age: 34
    [12:09] [PL] Country: Pakistan
    [12:09] [PL] Education: Post-Graduate of Information Technology (Australia)
    [12:09] [PL] Occupation / Designation: Da’ee (Da’ee is a Muslim who invites people towards God / Islam)
    [12:09] [PL] Faith: Muslim based on Quran (100%) and Hadith (Authentic)
    [12:09] [PL] I have …

  • TAG and Islam

    Addressing Islam

    Please accept my apology in advance for waxing rhetorical for dogmatic and persuasive flavor. I am also paraphrasing Van Til, Bahnsen, and James Anderson from memory as I do not have the time or desire to hunt down all of the exact quotes and respective references. The topic I am addressing often calls credentials into question so I will go ahead and set my own out on the table. Each day I listen to at least an hour and usually more of lectures on presuppositional apologetics in addition to my reading in that area. I have a B.A. …

  • This Sort of God

    Christianity offers the triune God, the absolute personality, containing all of the attributes enumerated, as the God in whom we believe. This conception of God is the foundation of everything we hold dear. Unless we can believe in this sort of God, it does us no good to be told that we may believe in some other sort of God, or in anything else. For us everything depends for its meaning upon this sort of God. Accordingly, we are not interested to have anyone prove to us the existence of any other sort of God but this God. Any other

  • Praxis Presup: Episode 5

    Praxis Presup
    Episode 5 – September 27th, 2010
    Chris Bolt

    Chris and his friends discuss Sean Choi’s “Fristianity” as it appears in Reasons For Faith.

    Praxis Presup 5

  • Upcoming Debate: "Is the Qur'an the Word of God?"

    Participants: Joshua “RazorsKiss” Whipps vs Yasser “MusLm” Ali
    Moderator: Paul LaChapelle
    Date: October 2nd
    Time: 12pm EDT
    Location: #choosinghats IRC channel, on starlink-irc.org – see “Chat” page for details.
    Format: 3000 word opening statements, 2000 word Rebuttals, 2 Rounds of Cross-Examination (25 questions per debater, per round), 1500 word closing statements, Q&A session (as time permits)

    The room will be moderated for the duration of the debate. The audience will be able to submit questions for the Q&A, to be presented in the final session, time permitting.…

  • Theology Matters: The Doctrine of God

    “Naturally in the system of theology and in apologetics the doctrine of God is of fundamental importance. We must first ask what kind of a God Christianity believes in before we can really ask with intelligence whether such a God exists…

  • Refusing Antithetical Assumptions

    We make our gods unknowable entities. The God of the Bible is knowable. Throughout all of Scripture God never presumes Himself to be unknown or unknowable but rather known. The Bible contains no proofs in the strictest sense for the existence of God. The Bible starts out with a declaration that God exists and assumes His existence throughout. The sinful fool knows that God exists but holds the truth down in unrighteousness saying in his heart, “There is no God.” (Romans 1.18ff; Psalm 14.1)

    The individual who fashions for himself an unknowable god makes an idol that is wholly irrelevant …